English Essay on Longevity and Life Expectancy

English essay on longevity and life expectancy written by our students to practice writing

Essay topic on longevity and life expectancy

With the high level of advancement in technology and medicine, do you think humans would reach a point when they could see their descendants of the next four or five generations? That is, would they become nonagenarians? Discuss its possibilities.

Essayist: Sam

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The medical world has strongly been influenced by technology. This can help individuals to have a longer lifespan thereby stepping into ninth decades of their life. Some biologists argue that longevity at that advanced age is a daydream due to fatal flaws in a few numbers of the medical achievements and unhealthy environments that can ruin undue advantages of highly valuable advancements, and others refute this. Biologists would reach their aim in this case if they looked seriously at some technical difficulties in medicine and environmental issues, which need financial sources to tackle.

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At a very primal level, medically technical problems which exist in medicine field including theoretical and practical faults (machine or human related) bring about sudden deaths per annum, although the problems are almost infinitesimal compared to successful curing and rehabilitation. Moreover, with this amount of technical mistakes, scientists try to immunize human beings against some new era epidemics and cancers, and these sorts of agents can act as a barrier that gets much more attention of researchers. Along with infinite efforts of academicians, people have some unhealthy environment, which devastates their nature and nurture.

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Additionally, as researches have shown, some changes in peoples’ genes of longevity have been affected by some stress-based environmental damages during previous generations people suffered, namely air, sound and water pollution. Looking at longevity in the rural districts and secluded villages is a noticeable evidence on how healthy people, for instances our ancestors, used to live in the countryside. This needs boundless financial sources in metropolises for removing the stressful and polluted sources that have strongly irremediable effects on longevity genes in the long term.

In conclusion, reducing medical mistakes and environmental issues is not an easy task to conquer. It is felt that it would take time to reach for that advanced age in a decade or more if the biologists could turn their focus just on longevity genes instead of newly disturbing parameters on some critical parts of genes.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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