Ferdowsi’s 10 Verses from Shahnameh on Creation + Translation

Dive into the heart of Persian literary heritage with this exploration of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. In this post, we showcase ten profound verses that beautifully capture the essence of creation, accompanied by their English translations. Whether you are a poetry enthusiast, a literature student, or simply captivated by the richness of Persian culture, these timeless verses offer a unique glimpse into the depth and wisdom of one of Iran’s most celebrated poets.

Video of Ferdowsi’s 10 Verses from Shahnameh on Creation

Ferdowsi’s 10 Verses from Shahnameh on Creation

1. به نام خداوند جان و خرد
Be naam-e khodaa-vand-e jaan o kherad
In the name of God, the Lord of soul and wisdom,

2. کزین برتر اندیشه برنگذرد
Ka zeen bartar andeesheh bar nagzarad
Whose thoughts surpass all others’.

3. خداوند نام و خداوند جای
Khodaa-vand-e naam o khodaa-vand-e jaay
The Lord of name and the Lord of place,

4. خداوند روزی ده رهنمای
Khodaa-vand-e roozi dehe rah-namaa-ye
The Lord of bounty and guidance.

5. خداوند کیوان و گردان سپهر
Khodaa-vand-e kayvaan o gardaan-e sepehr
The Lord of Saturn and the revolving sky,

6. فروزندهٔ ماه و ناهید و مهر
Faroo-zandeh-ye maah o naahid o mehr
The illuminator of the moon, Venus, and the sun.

7. ز نام و نشان و گمان برترست
Ze naam o nesh-aan o gomaam bartar ast
Beyond name and sign and thought,

8. نگارندهٔ بر شده پیکرست
Negaarandeh-ye bar shodeh peykar ast
The creator of the sublime forms.

9. به بینندگان آفریننده را
Be beenandagaan aafarinnandeh raa
To the seers, the creator is not seen,

10. نبینی، مرنجان دو بیننده را
Nabini, maranjan do beenandeh raa
Do not distress the two seers.

11. نیابد بدو نیز اندیشه راه
Nayabad bedoo neez andeesheh raah
Thought finds no way to Him,

12. که او برتر از نام و از جایگاه
Ke oo bartar az naam o az jaay-gaah
For He is above name and place.

13. سخن هرچه زین گوهران بگذرد
Sokhan har che zeen goharaan bogzarad
Any word that surpasses these jewels,

14. نیابد بدو راه جان و خرد
Nayabad bedoo raah jaan o kherad
Finds no way to the soul and wisdom.

15. خرد گر سخن برگزیند همی
Kherad gar sokhan bargozinad hami
If wisdom chooses words,

16. همان را گزیند که بیند همی
Hamaan raa gozinad ke beenad hami
It chooses what it sees.

17. ستودن نداند کس او را چو هست
Setoodan nadaanad kas oo raa cho hast
No one knows how to praise Him as He is,

18. میان بندگی را ببایدت بست
Miaan-e bandegee raa bebaayad baste
One must bind the waist in servitude.

19. خرد را و جان را همی سنجد اوی
Kherad raa o jaan raa hami sanjad ouy
He measures wisdom and soul,

20. در اندیشهٔ سخته کی گنجد اوی
Dar andeesheh-ye sokhteh key gonjad ouy
How can a solid thought encompass Him?

The Profound Wisdom in Ferdowsi’s Ten Verses about Creation

هنر نوشتن شعر فارسی دلنوشته ای از بهار رمضانی

The ten verses from Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh beautifully capture the essence of creation and the attributes of the Creator. Beginning with an invocation to God, Ferdowsi praises Him as the source of soul and wisdom, whose thoughts surpass all. He acknowledges God as the Lord of all things, from names and places to the celestial bodies like Saturn, the moon, Venus, and the sun. These verses emphasize the grandeur and omnipotence of God, portraying Him as the ultimate guide and provider, whose existence is beyond human comprehension.

English Presentation on the Solar System + Reading

Ferdowsi’s poetry delves into the metaphysical, highlighting the limitations of human thought and language in describing the divine. He asserts that God is beyond name and form, an entity that cannot be fully grasped by mortal understanding. By stating that “thought finds no way to Him,” Ferdowsi underscores the transcendence of the Creator, whose essence is beyond the reach of human intellect. The poet also reflects on the humility required in acknowledging this, suggesting that true wisdom lies in recognizing the boundaries of our understanding and embracing servitude to the divine.

Gratitude definition in context

Through these verses, Ferdowsi not only pays homage to the Creator but also invites readers to reflect on their own relationship with the divine. The profound wisdom encapsulated in these lines serves as a reminder of the awe-inspiring power and mystery of creation, encouraging a sense of reverence and humility. For non-Persian speakers, these verses provide a glimpse into the rich spiritual and philosophical heritage of Persian literature, offering timeless insights that transcend cultural boundaries.

Ferdowsi’s Devotion to Reviving the Persian Language

Ferdowsi, the renowned Persian poet, dedicated over three decades of his life to creating the Shahnameh, one of the most significant epics in world literature. His commitment to preserving and reviving the Persian language is evident in his famous verse:

بسی رنج بردم در این سال سی، عجم زنده کردم بدین پارسی

For thirty years, I endured much pain and strife, with Persian I gave the Ajam new life

Through his monumental work, Ferdowsi sought to protect the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of Persia, ensuring that the Persian language would remain vibrant and influential for generations to come.

In the Shahnameh, Ferdowsi chronicled the history, myths, and legends of ancient Persia, intertwining them with the moral and cultural values of his time. His poetic brilliance and passionate devotion to the Persian language not only immortalized the tales of Persian kings and heroes but also played a crucial role in the survival and flourishing of Persian as a literary language. Ferdowsi’s enduring legacy is a testament to his unwavering dedication to his cultural roots and his desire to celebrate and preserve the Persian identity through his masterful verses.

Discussion Questions

  1. How do the themes of creation and divinity in Ferdowsi’s verses resonate with your understanding of Persian culture and literature?
  2. Which specific imagery or metaphors in these ten verses stand out to you the most, and why do you think Ferdowsi chose to use them?
  3. How do you interpret Ferdowsi’s perspective on human wisdom and its limitations in comprehending the divine?

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4152

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2 thoughts on “Ferdowsi’s 10 Verses from Shahnameh on Creation + Translation”

  1. این یک شعر خیلی زیبا است. برای من بسیار جالب بود که زبان فارسی قدیمی را بخوانم و امیدوارم روزی همه چیز را از شاهنامه فردوسی بفهمم.

    • خوشحالم که از این شعر فردوسی خوشتان آمده. من هم شعر های شاهنامه فردوسی را خیلی دوست دارم. شاهنامه فردوسی واقعا یک شاهکار ادبی بزرگ و جاودانه است.

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