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Grammar Lesson 5: Will be doing & Will have done

Grammar lesson on will be doing and will have done with examples for ESL students

Study this example situation:

  • These people are standing in a queue to get into the cinema.
  • Half an hour from now, the cinema will be full.
  • Everyone will be watching the film.
  • Three hours from now, the cinema will be empty.
  • The film will have finished.
  • Everyone will have gone home.

I will be doing something (future continuous)= I will be in the middle of doing it:

  • This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I’ll be lying on the beach or swimming in the sea.
  • You have no chance of getting the job. You’ll be wasting your time if you apply for it.

Compare will be (do)ing and will (do):

  • Don’t phone between 7 and 8. We’ll be having dinner.
  • Let’s wait for Liz to arrive and then we’ll have dinner.

Compare will be-ing with other continuous forms:

  • At 10 O’clock yesterday, Sally was in her office. She was working. (past)
  • It’s 10 O’clock now. She is in her office. She is working. (present)
  • At 10 O’clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She will be working.

We also use will be-ing to talk about complete actions in the future. For example:

  • The school principal will be making a statement about the crisis later today.
  • Will you be going away this summer?
  • Our best player is injured and won’t be playing in the game on Saturday.

We use will have (done) (future perfect) to say that something will already be complete before a time in the future. For example:

  • Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. She won’t be at home at 9 O’clock. She’ll have gone to work.
  • We’re late. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.

Compare will have (done) with other perfect forms:

  • Ted and Amy have been married for 24 years. (present perfect)
  • Next year they will have been married for 25 years.
  • When their son was born, they had been married for three years. (past perfect)

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