IELTS Listening Practice | Love Yourself

IELTS Listening Practice | Love Yourself

IELTS Listening Practice | Love Yourself

About this activity

  • This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society.
  • This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class.
  • This is a weekly activity, that is, one post with one embedded video for two sessions per week.
  • In this flipped classroom activity, the students are encouraged to utilize the comment form at the bottom of the post to to exchange their questions, findings, and experiences with each other. Later on, we will discuss the asynchronous activities in the class. In a few words, “let’s learn from each other.”

About the Video Files

  • The video files are meticulously selected among the most prominent academicians, lecturers, and scientists based on Google Scholar.
  • We might refer to the exact elapsed time of the video files to pinpoint specific statements, messages, etc.

Writing Activity

  • You should adopt a formal register in your written contributions in the comment form.
  • To give an answer to a question or comment, use the Reply button.
  • In our written activities, we can practice negotiation of meaning (sharing our findings with regard to the selected themes) and negotiation of form (performing peer-reviewed error correction).


  • You should take equal turns in speaking. The maximum amount of time you can have is 60 seconds.
  • This is a fully organized activity; consequently, all your contributions, including comments, replies, and verbal opinions, must be with direct reference to the assigned topic and its corresponding video. Any irrelevant contribution is strongly frowned upon.
  • You will be stopped if your speech appears to be irrelevant or not supported by evidence.
  • Students leaving comments below will be given priority over others in our informed conversations.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4151

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54 thoughts on “IELTS Listening Practice | Love Yourself”

  1. 9. what is her favorite all time movie?

    • Corrections:
      all time :arrow: all-time

  2. 8. what is her mean of saying”full circle”?

    • Corrections:
      What does she mean by saying: …

  3. 7. How could she cover with cancer?

    • Corrections:
      cover with cancer :arrow: recover from cancer

  4. 6.After love our self what is the next step that she recommend?

    • Corrections:
      1. After loving ourselves

  5. 5. why couldn’t people change think and seem to be stick?

    • Corrections:
      1. why :arrow: Why
      2. change their thoughts
      3. be stick :arrow: be stuck

  6. we can reach to perfect health?

    • Corrections:
      1. There must be a space between your question number and the first letter of your question.
      2. How can we reach / reach for / obtain / achieve perfect health?

  7. 3. where do they spend profit of Hay House?

    • Corrections:
      1. where :arrow: Where
      2. profit of Hay House :arrow: the profit of Hay House

  8. 2.What is the Hay House?

    • The Hay House, founded in 1986 by Louise Hay, is a mission-driven company dedicated to supporting positive change in the world by helping people grow in mind, body, and spirit. Through its diverse range of products and resources, including books, audio programs, and online courses, Hay House aims to empower, educate, and inspire individuals on their journey of personal growth and transformation.

  9. 1. What subjects is she write?

    • This question is grammatically incorrect. Thus, it’s quite ambiguous.
      I wonder if you meant:

      On what subjects has she written books?

  10. she said that I teach people love themselves and release the gilt. Yes it is very important to release the Chinese medicine they believe that if you don’t release gilt you will get cancer. And until you don’t forgive yourself none of the medicine can cure you.

    • ✅ Guilt
      Please start your sentences with a capital letter.
      Great information!
      Which one is more difficult, forgiving others or forgiving yourself?

  11. Why do you think it is initially very difficult to look into the mirror and say, “I love you.”?

    • some people think that it is a little egoistic to say I love you to yourself.
      and something that is very important is that you must fell and believe what you say although if you just repeat it can affect you but not powerful than when you fell and believe it.

      • Right. Egotism is just one of the reasons. Apart from that, I believe the large proportion of people fail to practice this technique because they literally hate themselves, and they have some internal conflicts.

  12. It is needless to say “having respect for animals makes us better humans”. Frankly, the first point that called my attention in this video was the presence of a doggy in the interview. It divulges to us that these people respect animals tangibly and we need to learn these sorts of traits.
    Moreover, the performance of the interviewer and the interviewee was great. Loving yourself is a feature of a hopeful person who enjoys his/her life definitely and has a sense of satisfaction. In fact, your money, your belongings and so on never can guarantee this feature in your life and I suppose you can enjoy yourself when your life goes well as per your expectations. We need to chase our dreams and strive seriously in order to reach our apex.

    • Thanks so much.
      ? Actually, at first glance, I did not notice that in the video. Thanks for calling my attention to that.

  13. ✉️ What specific message is she willing to convey to her audience?

  14. ? What’s her favorite genre of movies?

    • In Elapsed Time: 8:58 as I heard she likes very charming movies, funny and goofy movies

      • That is correct. And also at ⌛️ 9:45, she recommends inspiring movies.

  15. Refer to some parts of the video in conjunction with the lecturer functioning as a philanthropist?

  16. ⛔ This is a fully organized activity. We cannot talk about everything within 15 minutes. So, please watch the video carefully, and create your questions on the basis of the video.

  17. [Elapsed Time: 3:00] :arrow: Have you ever practiced that technique offered by the lecturer? I mean looking into the mirror and enunciating, “I love you.” If not yet, why?

    • Unfortunately, I have not practiced that technique yet because I did not know that it is very helpful.

      • Well, it’s never too late to learn new things, and it is the beauty of our round tables.

    • this technique is so powerful .if you practice it you can see the result after some weeks. Even if you don’t look at the mirror it can affect you. I practiced it in the past because I wanted to examine that. and it works.

      • Please start your sentences with a capital letter. It is so noticeable.
        I also used to talk to myself and record the conversations and make some promises to myself, and later on, play the recorded conversations.

  18. According to this video I would like to ask how can we love ourselves? Or what are the best ways to love ourselves in real life?

    • Hi. In my opinion, we can love ourselves if we do the following items.
      1. Think positively and avoid perfectionism. Don’t call yourself names or assume the worst.
      2. List your positive attributes and reflect on them daily.
      3. Repeat positive affirmations daily and do things you enjoy.
      4. Try practicing loving-kindness meditation.
      And last but not least, we should not compare ourselves with others.

      • Viable techniques! Thanks a lot. ✅

        • You are most welcome.

      • Hi Arash. You wrote interesting and applied methods. I think Your last viewpoint is very significant and useful. Thank you very much

        • Hi Karim. You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it.

    • Thank you for this practical question. ?

      • you are most welcome.

    • I had to remove one of the comments by Pedram because it was not central to the assigned topic and corresponding lecture.

  19. I think not only having optimistic and positive thought, but also having healthy and well nutrition is very significant factor for being grateful and happy in our life. Everything we think can effect on our brain afterwards on our life and similarly everything we eat can effect on our body afterwards on our life. For doing these only remedy is loving yourself

    • yes you are right karim. having a good diet can help people to have a healthy body and mind. For example if you eat saffron it makes you happy, because saffron contains Safranal and Crocetin . these chemical things can increase the amount of serotonin in your brain and serotonin is the cause of happiness. and if you take lots of saffron it makes you laugh and it is an unstoppable laugh that can kill you.and if you take Peganum harmala or esfand it can makes you sad and it force you to cry until you die.

      • Interesting information!
        I knew that saffron is mortal if you overdose on that. Yet, I didn’t have any idea about the way it takes away your life, I mean through extreme laughter. ?

      • Thank you for these useful information

        • This useful information (information is singular.)

    • Thanks for your relevant post.
      Some nutritionists believe that we are what we eat. That is, your personality is subject to some change depending on what you eat. Furthermore, according to recent psychological studies, a sense of gratitude is a sine quo non for lasting happiness.

      • You’re welcome Dr.
        Thank you for these useful information

    • Some error corrections:
      Line 1: thoughts
      Line 2: effect on :arrow: affect (as a verb)

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