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English Questions on People Skills and Relationship

English questions on people skills and relationship for English students to have a discussion

Topic: “What do you do when other people don’t like you?”


Argue For and Against Discord LELB Society

Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “6”. Then in the atmosphere of your online classes, go to the special room that specifies your position to that question (I agree or I disagree). Then working in groups or individually, attempt to come up with as many cogent reasons as possible to support your viewpoint in 5 minutes. Finally, come back to the Free Discussion Room to get into a heated argument with your classmates.

English questions on people skills and relationship

English conversation questions forum for adults

  1. How much do you think you are dependent on being loved by others?
  2. How much do you get hurt or upset when you notice that others don’t like you?
  3. If you love somebody and that person does not love you in return, what do you do?
  4. Do you believe that there is a subtle and fragile barrier between love and hate?
  5. Do you think we have one-sided love, or love should necessarily be mutual or two-sided?
  6. Do you believe in this quotation by William Shakespeare: “Love is blind”?
  7. Falling in love is easy, but getting over it is backbreaking. What’s your point of view about this question?

Quotations on people skills and relationship

Good quotes for discussion forum for ESL students at LELB Society

  1. Love is friendship that has caught fire.” – Ann Landers
  2. “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.”
  3. “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for oneself, or rather, being loved in spite of oneself.” – Victor Hugo

Related Idioms

English Idioms LELB Society

  1. Think the world of someone: to love someone very much
  2. To fall for someone: to fall in love with someone
  3. All’s fair in love and war: Everything is accepted in extreme situations.

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