IELTS Listening Practice Memory Improvement

Oblivious Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

IELTS Listening Practice Memory Improvement IELTS Listening Practice Memory Improvement  About this activity This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society. This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class. This activity is on…

Nonverbal Communication | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Nonverbal Communication | A Presentation in English Nonverbal Communication | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube LELB Lecturer: Arash Questions about the Presentation How much do you pay attention to the use of body language in your interaction with others? What is chronemics, and what does it include? How can you encode…

Body Language – IELTS Speaking Practice

Using body language in teaching English as a second language for more productivity

Body Language – IELTS Speaking practice Body Language – IELTS Speaking Practice Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument. Animals are more competent than humans when…

English Conversation on Developing People Skills

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

English conversation on developing people skills for ESL students Topic: “How to Develop People Skills?” Round table Activity Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “2”. Then attempt to come up with as many cogent reasons as possible to support your viewpoint in 2 minutes (Brainstorming). Finally, prepare to get into…