Chaos Theory or Complexity Theory | TESL Lessons

Baffled | English Flashcard for Baffled - LELB Society

Chaos Theory Chaos theory was developed from the 1960s work of the meteorologist, Edward Lorenz. Lorenz discovered that a very small difference (less than one part in one thousand) in the initial conditions led to large changes in the weather predicted by his model over time. A chaos is included in a larger phenomenon, that …

Complexity Theory | Research Conduction

Chaos GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Complexity Theory Complexity theory is closely linked to chaos theory. Complex systems are random, nonlinear, unpredictable, self-organising, and subject to ‘strange attractor’, (i.e. they home in on a pattern that determines the boundaries of the phenomenon). Language and L2 acquisition are best viewed as complex systems. Larsen-Freeman identified a number of features of L2 acquisition …