Mélange 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Melange in real context with synonyms and illustrations from 601 Words You Need to Know

Mélange 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in short passages and authentic or real context to improve your academic vocabulary and practice reading and listening comprehension in context /meɪˈlãːʒ/ (noun) Definition a mixture of various things or people, medley, miscellany, blend, potpourri, variety, assortment, collection, jumble, mix, mixed bag, combination Example …

Philately in Visual Dictionary & Thesaurus in Real Context

Definition of Philately in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in real context

Definition of Philately in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in authentic context and examples together with synonyms and antonyms for GRE candidates and advanced ESL learners /fɪˈlæt.əl.i/ (noun) Definition the hobby or profession of collecting and studying postage stamps and related items Example Philately is the study of postage stamps, stamped envelopes, postmarks, postcards, and …

Bibliophile in Visual Dictionary and Thesaurus in Real Context

Definition of Bibliophile in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in real context for GRE candidates

Definition of Bibliophile in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in real context with authentic examples for GRE candidates and advanced learners of English from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam /ˈbɪb.li.ə.faɪl/ (noun) Definition a person who is fond of books and collects them passionately, book collector, book lover, bookworm, bibliomaniac, avid …

Panoply GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Panoply GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Panoply GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈpæn.ə.pli/ (noun) Definition a wide array of various things, collection, range, exhibition, show, display, parade, fanfare, spectacle Example Particularly vulnerable are patients with immune deficiency or dysregulation whose inability to fight infections leads to increased risk of disseminated infection and greater dependency on antimicrobial therapy. While these factors likely put HLH …

Numismatics GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Numismatics GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Numismatics GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌnjuː.mɪzˈmæt.ɪks/ (noun) coin collecting, the study of coins and medals or collecting them Numismatics is the study or collection of currency, including coins, tokens, paper money and related objects. While numismatists are often characterized as students or collectors of coins, the discipline also includes the broader study of money and other …

Variety 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 8

variety LELB Society

Variety 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 8 with synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS candidates in real context /vəˈraɪə.ti/ (noun) different types of things or people, the state of being different or varied, a collection of different things, array, mixture, miscellany, diversification, multifariousness, heterogeneity, change, diversity, assortment, variation, category, class, …

Repertoire 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 4

Repertoire 1100 words you need to know week 40 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Repertoire 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 4 Repertoire 1100 Words You Need Week 40 Day 4 /ˈrep.ə.twɑːʳ/ (noun) the complete collection of music, plays, etc. that you can do, perform or know, the body of artistic works or pieces such as music or plays, material available for performers, range, stock, repertory, reserve, store, …

Array 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 1

array LELB Society

Array 1100 Words You Need Array 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 1 /əˈreɪ/ (noun & verb) a large group of people or things, a large number or collection of things or people, striking arrangement, selection, gamut, assortment, grouping, dress, clothing, to arrange a group of things or people, deploy, organize, put in order …