Tractable Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Tractable Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Tractable definition and meaning in context with images and visuals /ˈtræk.tə.bļ/ (adj) Definition of tractable easily dealt with or managed, easily led, controllable, yielding, amendable, obedient, easily persuaded, submissive, malleable, compliant Video of tractable Tractable in context A tractable child is generally easy to manage and responds well to guidance and discipline. They are often…

Sangfroid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Sangfroid meaning and definition in real context with images at LELB Society

Sangfroid 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam as a French word in English in authentic short passages to improve your reading comprehension and expand your academic vocabulary /ˌsƃˈfwɑː/ (noun) Definition the ability to stay calm in the face of difficult problems, dangerous situations or crises, composure, calmness, equanimity, equilibrium, self-control, self-possession,…

Temperate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

temperate LELB Society

Temperate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /ˈtem.pər.ət/ (adj) (of weather conditions) neither very cold nor very hot, mild, moderate, pleasant, clement, agreeable – (of behavior or personality) controlled and calm, self-controlled, restrained, reserved In geography, the temperate climates of Earth occur in the middle latitudes, which span between the tropics and the polar regions…

Imperturbable 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 1

Imperturbable 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 1 Imperturbable 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 1 /ˌɪm.pəˈtɜː.bə.bļ/ US /-pɚˈtɝː-/ (adj) staying calm and controlled in the face of problems, unable to be upset, self-possessed, self-controlled, relaxed, even-tempered, placid, unperturbed, unflappable, composed, steady, serene, unruffled We have great admiration for those who keep their…

Equanimity 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 3

equanimity LELB Society

Equanimity 1100 Words You Need Equanimity 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 3 with flashcards, synonyms and authentic text for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE /ˌek.wəˈnɪm.ɪ.ti/ (noun) peace of mind, tranquility, calmness and self-control, equilibrium, level-headedness, composure Equanimity allows us to stand in the midst of conflict or crisis in a way where we are…

IELTS Reading on Time Management

IELTS Reading on Time Management IELTS Reading on Time Management What is time management? In today’s busy world, being able to get more done allows us to get ahead in life, and even gives us more time to do the things we love. Time management is about how effectively you plan and control your time…

Personality IELTS Listening and Reading Practice

How to enhance emotional intelligence with best practices?

Personality IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Personality IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Selected Text (below 500 words) Source: “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” This famous quote is often attributed to Socrates. But what exactly do you know when you “know yourself?” This blog will reveal 6 elements of self-knowledge that can help you understand…

IELTS Listening Practice Habit Formation

IELTS Listening Practice Habit Formation IELTS Listening Practice Habit Formation About this activity This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society. This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class. This activity is on…

English Questions on Controlling Your Life

Deus ex machina from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

English questions on controlling your life for ESL students Topic: “Is your life dissatisfaction due to your current situation or your own weaknesses?” Are you in control of your life or the other way around? How do you manage crises in your life? Do you consider yourself successful in handling the predicaments in your life?…