Epoch 601 Words You Need to Know


Epoch 601 Words You Need to Know /ˈiː.pɒk/ (noun) Definition a significant period of time in history with great changes and important events, period, age, eon, era, date, time, span Example In chronology and periodization, an epoch or reference epoch is an instant in time chosen as the origin of a particular calendar era. The…

Anachronism GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Anachronism GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Anachronism GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /əˈnæk.rə.nɪ.zəm/ (noun) Definition something from a different historical period, something out of place in time, belonging to another historical period, holdover, chronological mistake, chronological inconsistency, incongruity, leftover, archaism, relic Example An anachronism is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of persons, events, objects, language terms and customs from…

Century 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9

century LELB Society

Century 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9 with synonyms, antonyms, and parts of speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS students in real contexts /ˈsen.tʃər.i/ (noun) a period of time equaling 100 years, 100-year period in dating system, 10 decades The 20th (twentieth) century began on January 1, 1901, and ended on December 31, 2000. It…

English Question on History for Discussion & Writing

English question on History for discussion and writing at LELB Society for IELTS & TOEFL candidates

English question on history for IELTS & TOEFL students to practice conversation and writing and receive feedback in an interactive way How might the world be different if you could actually change some historical event? How sure are you that the long-term consequences would be positive? Do you believe that “history repeats itself”? Reading practice…

Biography – English Flashcard for Biography for IELTS

Biography - English Flashcard for Biography - LELB Society

Biography Biography (noun) /baɪˈɒg.rə.fi/ US /-ˈɑː.grə-/ the life story of a person written by someone else, life story, life history, life account, profile, autobiography: Albert Einstein’s biography has been written by different authors. Parts of speech Adjective: biographical Noun: biographer

History of Books IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Best Resources to Learn Persian through Literature

History of Books IELTS Listening Reading Practice History of Books IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Julie Dreyfuss on TED-Ed History of Books IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube What is a book? What makes a book a book? Is it just anything that stores and communicates information? Or does it have to do with…

IELTS Listening Practice Origin of English


IELTS Listening Practice Origin of English IELTS Listening Practice Origin of English About this activity This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society. This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class. This activity…

Old Buildings | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Old Buildings | An IELTS Essay Sample Old Buildings | An IELTS Essay Sample Topic: Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by new ones. How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of…

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 14

IELTS essay on housing market with full assessment and detailed scoring

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 14 Topic Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by new ones. How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress? Throughout the history, different kinds…

IELTS Speaking Test Sample 11

IELTS Speaking Test Samples LELB Society

IELTS Speaking Test Sample 11 – An IELTS Interview Watch this video on YouTube Part 1: Introduction ⏰ Time: 4 to 5 Minutes  Get ready to answer some personal questions about yourself: What do you generally do in your free time? Are you a sociable person, or do you prefer to stay alone? Are you…