Inordinate 1100 Words You Need Week 23 Day 3

Inordinate 1100 Words you need to know week 23 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Inordinate 1100 Words You Need Inordinate 1100 Words You Need /ɪˈnɔː.dɪ.nət/ (adj) beyond reasonable limits in amount or degree, unreasonably large in size or degree, excessive, unrestrained, undue, unwarranted, immoderate, lavish, extravagant, unreasonable, disproportionate, exorbitant, unconscionable An inordinate affection is an unhealthy and obsessive attachment to a person or thing that manifests through uncontrollable “love”.…

Listening Practice on Elephants with Flashcards

Listening practice on elephants with flashcards for IELTS & TOEFL

Listening Practice on Elephants Listening Practice on Elephants You might already know that elephants are large and majestic, but the extent of their size and intelligence may surprise you. Elephants are the largest living land animal. On average, African elephants are 10 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 18.000 pounds. The largest…

Commodious – English Flashcard for Commodious

Commodious - English Flashcard for Commodious - LELB Society

Commodious Commodious (adj) /kəˈməʊ.di.əs/ (of a room or house) very spacious and large – roomy – big – capacious – sizable – ample: Commodious in context In this hotel, some rooms are incredibly commodious and some others are ridiculously cramped. After years of living in a cramped apartment, Sarah was overjoyed to finally move into…