Cumbersome 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 1

Cumbersome 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 1 Cumbersome 1100 Words You Need Week 34 Day 1 /ˈkʌm.bə.səm/ US /-bɚ-/ (adj) heavy, large and difficult to carry or deal with, awkward, bulky and massive, complicated and problematic, unwieldy, burdensome, ungainly, clumsy In the last decade, the ability to transfer data electronically has developed enormously. …

Voluminous 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 3

voluminous LELB Society

Voluminous 1100 Words You Need Voluminous 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 3 /vəˈluː.mɪ.nəs/ (adj) massive and huge, spacious, very large, big, roomy, capacious, ample, baggy, long and detailed, lengthy, colossal, commodious One reason Kim was able to provide so much detail and depth from his voluminous memory was that he could speed-read anything …

Mammoth 1100 Words You Need Week 14 Day 2

mammoth LELB Society

Mammoth 1100 Words You Need Mammoth 1100 Words You Need /ˈmæm.əθ/ (adjective & noun) Watch this video on YouTube adjective: extremely large, huge, colossal, bulky, enormous, gigantic, massive, immense, gargantuan, titanic Noun: a large animal similar to an elephant which is extinct these days The Speed Racer cartoon was known for a lot of crazy, …

Monolithic 1100 Words You Need Week 7 Day 2

monolithic LELB Society

Monolithic 1100 Words You Need Monolithic 1100 Words You Need /ˌmɒn.əˈlɪθ.ɪk/ (adj) too large, too regular or without interesting differences, and unwilling or unable to be changed, built using large blocks, colossal, large and unchanging, monumental, massive, huge, uniform, gigantic, immovable, solid: monolithic state-run organizations antonym: manifold, exciting adv: monolithically Fre: monolithique Fa: یکپارچه

Vast – English Flashcard for Vast for IELTS

Vast English Flashcard LELB Society

Vast Vast (adj) /vɑːst/ US /væst/ very great in amount, size, number, degree, etc. – gigantic, immense, extremely big – enormous, massive, huge, prodigious: In this season, the birds start to migrate in vast numbers. Antonyms small Parts of Speech Noun: vastness Adverb: vastly

Commodious – English Flashcard for Commodious

Commodious - English Flashcard for Commodious - LELB Society

Commodious Commodious (adj) /kəˈməʊ.di.əs/ (of a room or house) very spacious and large – roomy – big – capacious – sizable – ample: Commodious in context In this hotel, some rooms are incredibly commodious and some others are ridiculously cramped. After years of living in a cramped apartment, Sarah was overjoyed to finally move into …