Fanatical GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Fanatical GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Fanatical GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /fəˈnæt.ɪ.kəl/ Definition extremely enthusiastic, zealous, dedicated, obsessive, fanatic, dogmatic, keen, radical, fervent, single-minded, fixated, addicted, extremist, passionate, fiery, devoted, frenzied, compulsive Example Are you fanatical about celebrities? Lovers of celebrities and superstars, comics, and beyond, we want you! The superfan is a brilliant specimen and if you haven’t noticed, our obsession …

Radical 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

radical LELB Society

Radical 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ (adj & noun) Adjective: relating to the most important part of something, fundamental, basic, rudimentary, integral, essential, deep-seated, profound, drastic – believing strongly that there must be some major political or social changes, pervasive, thorough, uncompromising, fanatical, revolutionary Noun: a radical person who strongly believes that there …

Drastic – English Flashcard for Drastic with Synonyms

Drastic - English Flashcard for Drastic - LELB Society

Drastic Drastic (adj) /ˈdræs.tɪk/ having a strong influence or effect – severe – extreme – marked and easily noticed – radical – dire – far-reaching – acute, intense: In that critical situation, he had to take the bull by the horns and take drastic action immediately. Antonyms modest Parts of speech Adverb: drastically

Iconoclast – English Flashcard for Iconoclast for IELTS

Iconoclast - English Flashcard for Iconoclast - LELB Society

Iconoclast Iconoclast (noun) /aɪˈkɒn.ə.klæst/ US /-ˈkɑː.nə-/ someone who opposes traditional beliefs, customs or ideas – maverick – free thinker – individualist – subversive – rebel – nonconformist: Being such an iconoclast, the new CEO has vetoed almost all of the novel lucrative business plans. Antonym conservative

Rabid – English Flashcard for Rabid with Synonyms

Rabid - English Flashcard for Rabid - LELB Society

Rabid Rabid (adj) /ˈræb.ɪd/ having very strong opinions or intense feelings about something – biased – fanatical – extreme – radical – fervent – fervid – ardent – suffering from rabies – infected: Rabid in context A bunch of rabid fanatics have gone on strike to foment rebellion against the new policies of the enterprise. …