Agnostic Definition in Context from 601 Words

Agnostic definition in real context with images from 601 Words You Need to Know

Agnostic definition in real context with synonyms from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn the word, agnostic, about religion and improve your reading comprehension at the same time. /ægˈnɒs.tɪk/ (adj & noun) Agnostic definition someone who does not know whether God exists, doubting someone who denies that something …

Nihilism – Definition & Example in Real Context

Definition of Nihilism in real context with images at LELB Society from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Definition of nihilism with illustration and in authentic context for advanced EFL students and SAT / ACT candidates /ˈnaɪ.ə.lɪ.zəm/ (noun) Definition total rejection of established social mores, principles or conventions particularly morality, nothingness, negativism, cynicism, pessimism, emptiness, denial, atheism, anarchism, agnosticism, skepticism, disbelief Example Nihilism is a philosophy, or family of views within philosophy, that …

Cynical – English Flashcard for Cynical for IELTS

Cynical - English Flashcard

Cynical Cynical /ˈsɪn.ɪ.kəl/ (adj) pessimistic about people’s intentions, skeptical, negative, distrustful, sarcastic and mocking, contemptuous, scornful: Cynical in context They were cynical about the team`s chance of winning the championship. Who is a cynical person? A cynical person often exhibits a general distrust of others’ motives, believing that actions are driven by self-interest rather than …

Pessimistic | English Flashcard for Pessimistic with Synonyms


Pessimistic Pessimistic /ˌpes.ɪˈmɪs.tɪk/ (adj) doubtful and negative, incredulous, cynical, distrustful, suspicious, dubious and unconvinced: Pessimistic people are so toxic. Pessimistic people Pessimistic people often view the world through a lens of negativity, focusing on potential problems and worst-case scenarios. Their outlook can make them cautious and sometimes hesitant to take risks, as they anticipate unfavorable …

Skeptical – English Flashcard for Skeptical with Synonyms


Skeptical Skeptical /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ (adj) cynical, doubtful and unconvinced, pessimistic and negative, incredulous, disbelieving, doubting, distrustful, dubious, questioning, suspicious: The test result`s led them to being skeptical about their chance of eliminating the disease. The teacher was so skeptical of her proposal that she couldn’t see the genuine value in her ideas. Skeptical people Skeptical people …

Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking

English webinar on positive thinking for IELTS & TOEFL candidates to practice reading and vocabulary

Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking Shifting mental focus Our perception of the world is defined by our mind’s interpretation of the events. Every single event has ups and downs. Therefore we can train our mind to focus on the bright side and avoid sticking to the negative side. …