Solidarity – English Flashcard for Solidarity for IELTS

Solidarity English Flashcard LELB Society

Solidarity Solidarity /ˌsɒl.ɪˈdær.ɪ.ti/ (noun) general agreement and loyalty among the members of a group – alliance – team spirit – harmony: Solidarity in context The sense of solidarity and team spirit among the staff of this company is actually unshakable. One of the main responsibilities of a great leader among a group is to preserve solidarity of members.…

Gregarious – English Flashcard for Gregarious for IELTS

gregarious LELB Society

Gregarious Gregarious grɪˈgeə.ri.əs/ (adj) (of people) liking to be with other people, or (especially of animals) living in groups, sociable, convivial, warm and friendly, extroverted, clubbable, social butterfly: Gregarious in context Emma’s a gregarious, outgoing sort of person. Being gregarious in cyberspace demands less skills compared to real life. Being over-gregarious is an egregious mistake that I can only…

Fraternity – English Flashcard for Fraternity for IELTS

Fraternity - English flashcard

Fraternity Fraternity /frəˈtɜː.nə.ti/ (noun) all the people who have something in common, brotherhood, comradeship, brotherly love, community, brotherliness, mutual support, amity, friendship, friendliness: Fraternity in context Every fraternity usually has its own jargon, language and set of jokes. The world is suffering from lack of fraternity. In college, Jake found a true sense of fraternity…

Extroverted – English Flashcard with Synonyms

Extroverted - English flashcard

Extroverted /ˈek.strə.vɜːtəd/ (adj) Definition friendly and sociable, fond of being with others, not introverted, convivial and gregarious, outgoing, open and unreserved Example An Introverted person seems lethargic compared to an extroverted one. Extroverted people would rather socialize with different folks from all walks of life. At the bustling networking event, Sarah’s extroverted nature shone brightly. She…

Esprit de Corps – English Flashcard for Esprit de Corps

esprit de corps - English flashcard

Esprit de corps Esprit de corps /esˌpriː.dəˈkɔːʳ/ (noun) Definition the feelings, such as pride and loyalty, shared by members of a group of people, camaraderie, companionship, comradeship, brotherhood Example His leadership kept the team’s esprit de corps intact during difficult periods. Although everybody had better know how to paddle his/her canoe, developing a sense of…

Convivial – English Flashcard for Convivial for IELTS

Convivial - English flashcard

Convivial /kənˈvɪv.i.əl/ (adj) Definition friendly and sociable, fond of being with others, gregarious, pleasant and welcoming, hospitable and cordial, companionable: Example I believe breakfast is the best time to have a convivial conversation with a friend. Your convivial sentences are not sincere, tell them to the Marines. The holiday party was nothing short of convivial,…

Confidant – English Flashcard for Confidant for IELTS

confidant LELB Society

Confidant Confidant /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dænt/ (noun) a person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with, soul mate, alter ego, amigo, best friend: Confidant in context a close confidant Mothers are usually likely the first confidants of anybody. You should have a strong personality if you do not have any confidants in your life. A confidant is someone…

Camaraderie – English Flashcard for Camaraderie

camaraderie LELB Society

Camaraderie /ˌkæm.əˈrɑː.dər.i/ (noun) Definition a feeling of friendliness towards people with whom you work or share an experience A good relationship among the people, brotherhood, fraternity, companionship, comradeship, bonhomie, conviviality, togetherness Example Camaraderie is one of the preliminary traits of developing prolonged team spirit. Confronted with challenging circumstances, people would generally form a sense of…

Amity – English Flashcard for Amity with Synonyms

Amity - English Flashcard

Amity Amity /ˈæm.ɪ.ti/ (noun) friendliness and peaceful relations, cordiality, friendship, harmony, good relations, goodwill: Amity in context Just after John arrived at the party, amity boosted among guests, thanks to his tactful and light-hearted personality. It is essential that some amity be injected into the world. The longstanding amity between the two neighboring villages was…

Reading Strategies Before During and After Reading

reading strategies before during and

Reading comprehension requires you to think critically about the information and ideas. Sometimes, while reading, you have to read the same sentences several times without gaining any meaning from them. So, it is needed to return to earlier steps for finding out the intended meaning. Accordingly, there are some effective strategies to use before, during,…