Pertinent 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 2

pertinent LELB Society

Pertinent 1100 Words You Need Pertinent 1100 Words You Need /ˈpɜː.tɪ.nənt/ (adj) relating directly to the subject being considered, relevant, germane, related, apposite, appropriate, applicable, valid, apt: a pertinent question/remark Chapter One is pertinent to the post-war period. Antonym: impertinent, irrelevant Adv: pertinently Noun: pertinence French: pertinente Farsi: مرتبط

Pay the Piper 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

Pay the Piper 1100 Words.

Pay the Piper 1100 Words Pay the Piper 1100 Words to bear the consequences, face the music, face up to your actions, face the storm, bite the bullet, take the flak, take the heat, grasp the needle, accept responsibility: As the factory night watchman, you ought to be genuinely vigilant; otherwise, if any problem arises,…

Recoil 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

recoil LELB Society

Recoil 1100 Words You Need Recoil 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈkɔɪl/ (noun & verb) to move back because of fear or disgust, shrink back, withdraw, flinch, retreat, draw back, jump back, back away, move back, dodge: I recoiled from the smell and the filth. Antonym: confront Noun: recoiler French: recul Farsi: پس زدن، عقب نشستن

Desist 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

desist LELB Society

Desist 1100 Words You Need Desist 1100 Words You Need /dɪˈsɪst/ (verb) to stop doing something, especially something that someone else does not want you to do, cease, discontinue, give up, end, terminate, abstain, refrain, eschew, avoid: The soldiers have been ordered to desist from firing their guns. The high winds are expected to desist tomorrow.…

Premonition 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

premonition LELB Society

Premonition 1100 Words You Need Premonition 1100 Words You Need /ˌprem.əˈnɪʃ.ən/ (noun) Premonition definition a feeling that something, especially something unpleasant, is going to happen, intuition of future event, warning about future, presentiment, hunch, suspicion, foreboding, omen, portent, indication, admonition, forewarning: Example He had a premonition that his plane would crash, so he took the…

Peruse 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

peruse LELB Society

Peruse 1100 Words You Need Peruse 1100 Words You Need /pəˈruːz/ (verb) Peruse definition to read through something, especially in order to find the part you are interested in, read carefully, scrutinize, examine, check, inspect, scan, pore over: Definition She opened a newspaper and began to peruse the personal ads. Antonyms skim, read for fun…

Inclement 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

inclement LELB Society

Inclement 1100 Words You Need Inclement 1100 Words You Need /ɪnˈklem.ənt/ (adj) describes weather which is unpleasant, especially cold or stormy, intemperate, extreme, severe, bad, foul, rough, harsh, rainy, windy, adverse, squally, disagreeable: The football match was cancelled due to extremely inclement weather. antonym: pleasant, agreeable adv: inclemently noun: inclemency French: inclémente Farsi: شدید

Malady 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 4

malady LELB Society

Malady 1100 Words You Need Malady 1100 Words You Need /ˈmæl.ə.di/ (noun) 1. a disease, illness, sickness, disorder, malaise: All the rose bushes seem to be suffering from the same mysterious malady. 2. a problem within a system or organization, issue, setback, drawback: Apathy is one of the maladies of modern society. antonym: wellbeing French:…

Vexatious 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 4

vexatious LELB Society

Vexatious 1100 Words You Need /vekˈseɪ.ʃəs/ (adj) difficult to deal with and causing a lot of annoyance, worry or argument, annoying, irritating, upsetting, troublesome, bothersome, exasperating, irksome, aggravating, distressing: This settlement will resolve one of the most vexatious problems in the field of industrial relations. Antonym: placatory, appeasing, soothing Adjective: vexed Adverb: vexatiously Noun: vexation…