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Improve Speaking by Reading Novels

Improve Speaking by Reading Novels - Shapour KhodaParast

Improve Speaking by Reading Novels Improve Speaking by Reading Novels ShaPour KhodaParast Presents to you a new way of learning English ? How to improve our speaking by reading a novel A new idea for learning how to talk practically in English How to improve our speaking by reading a novel ? It seems a good…

Peruse 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

peruse LELB Society

Peruse 1100 Words You Need Peruse 1100 Words You Need /pəˈruːz/ (verb) Peruse definition to read through something, especially in order to find the part you are interested in, read carefully, scrutinize, examine, check, inspect, scan, pore over: Definition She opened a newspaper and began to peruse the personal ads. Antonyms skim, read for fun…

Premonition 1100 Words You Need Week 10 Day 1

premonition LELB Society

Premonition 1100 Words You Need Premonition 1100 Words You Need /ˌprem.əˈnɪʃ.ən/ (noun) Premonition definition a feeling that something, especially something unpleasant, is going to happen, intuition of future event, warning about future, presentiment, hunch, suspicion, foreboding, omen, portent, indication, admonition, forewarning: Example He had a premonition that his plane would crash, so he took the…

Scrutinize 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 4

scrutinize LELB Society

Scrutinize 1100 Words You Need Scrutinize 1100 Words You Need /ˈskruː.tɪ.naɪz/ (verb) Scrutinize definition to examine something very carefully in order to discover information, inspect, study, pore over, analyze, dissect, search, investigate: Example He scrutinized the men’s faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying. Antonyms glimpse, glance Parts of speech Noun: scrutiny Noun:…

Entourage 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

entourage LELB Society

Entourage 1100 Words You Need Entourage 1100 Words You Need /ˈɒn.tʊ.rɑːʒ/ (noun) Entourage definition the group of people who travel with and work for an important or famous person, people accompanying VIP, staff, associates, backups, followers, fans: Example The rock-star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.

Excruciating 1100 Words You Need Week 8 Day 4

excruciating LELB Society

Excruciating 1100 Words You Need Excruciating 1100 Words You Need /ɪkˈskruː.ʃi.eɪ.tɪŋ/ (adj) Excruciating definition 1. extremely painful, agonizing, unbearable, awful, piercing, tormenting, racking, sharp, acute, severe, intense: Example an excruciating pain in the lower back 2. extremely boring or embarrassing, irritating, toe-curling, tedious, infuriating: excruciating boredom His confession, when it came, was excruciating. Antonyms enthralling,…

Reprehensible 1100 Words You Need Week 7 Day 1

reprehensible LELB Society

Reprehensible 1100 Words You Need Reprehensible 1100 Words You Need /ˌrep.rɪˈhent.sə.bļ/ (adj) Reprehensible definition If someone’s behavior is reprehensible, it is extremely bad or unacceptable, blameworthy, uncouth, wrong, bad, disgraceful, shameful, inexcusable, unacceptable, unorthodox, eccentric, blatant, flagrant: Example reprehensible conduct/actions Antonyms laudable, praiseworthy, admirable Parts of speech Adverb: reprehensibly Noun: reprehensibility Verb: reprehend: rebuke, reprimand

Revert 1100 Words You Need Week 7 Day 4

revert LELB Society

Revert 1100 Words You Need Revert 1100 Words You Need /ri-‘vərt/ (Verb) Revert definition to return to a former state, often one perceived as less desirable or inferior, return in discussion, take a step back, relapse, regress, go over again, change back: Example The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg. After a…

Lion vs. Hyenas Documentary with Text

Lion vs. Hyenas - English Documentary

Lion vs. Hyenas Documentary Lion vs. Hyenas Documentary Watch this video on YouTube. As they mature, young males begin to explore the boundaries of the pride’s territory. Red has ventured out alone and ran straight to the middle of the hyena clan. He’s trapped by over 20 of them. The pack tries to wear him…