Impugn GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Impugn GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Impugn GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪmˈpjuːn/ (verb) Definition to cast doubt on something by criticizing it, call into question, attack verbally, dispute, question, assail, query, challenge, take issue with, doubt Example I must say that I was disappointed in the content of this list – but not necessarily surprised. As is often the case, it appears…

Insurrection GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Insurrection GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Insurrection GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌɪn.sərˈek.ʃən/ (noun) Definition rebellion against the government of a country usually by using violence or armed conflict, anarchy, sedition, insurgency, insurgence, mutiny, coup d’état, revolt, riot, revolution, civil disorder, civil disobedience, unrest, uprising, coup Example Family members and law enforcement have confirmed more details on the now five people who died…

Machination GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Machination GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Machination GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ma ki·na·tion/ (noun) Definition devising plots or schemes to accomplish some evil end or collusion, conspiracy, collusion, scheme or plot, plotting, cabal, intrigue, design, plan Example Machination is contriving a plot or conspiracy. The act of planning or contriving a scheme for executing some purpose, particularly an evil purpose; an artful…

Old Sultan – English Fairy Tale with Flashcards

Old Sultan - English Fairy Tale from Brothers Grimm at LELB Society with podcast and vocabulary flashcards to improve your English

Old Sultan – English Fairy Tale with Flashcards and podcast as an audiobook to improve your listening and reading comprehension and expand your literary and academic vocabulary Source of story: Gutenberg Project at Source of image: Listen to the audiobook below Watch this video on YouTube Old Sultan A shepherd had a faithful dog,…

Insipid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Insipid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for GRE & TOEFL at LELB Society

Insipid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪnˈsɪp.ɪd/ (adj) Definition lacking flavor, taste, interest or energy, vapid, dull, stale, tasteless, bland, flavorless, colorless, banal, tame, uneventful, unappetizing, boring, lifeless, uninteresting, characterless, unimaginative, unexciting Example Still, as journalists, we should hold ourselves to higher standards and fight the urge to uncritically let our own boredom infect our writing. In…

Proliferate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Proliferate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Proliferate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /prəˈlɪf.ər.eɪt/ (verb) Definition to grow or increase rapidly in number, procreate, multiply, breed, burgeon, boom, spawn, flourish, bloom, rocket, thrive, reproduce, replicate, mushroom, snowball, propagate Example Rabbits are noted for their prolific breeding ability, but the popular phrase “breeding like rabbits” isn’t quite the whole story. Many animals bear a lot…

Jargon GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Jargon GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Jargon GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈdʒɑː.gən/ (noun) Definition special words or phrases used by particular groups of people, terminology, patter, dialect, specialized language, argot, lingo, cant, slang, idiom – nonsensical or unintelligible language, guff, mumbo jumbo, nonsense Example Jargon is the specialized terminology associated with a particular field or area of activity. Jargon is normally employed…

روش های پیشگیری از بیماری کرونا – آموزش زبان فارسی

Learn Persian Online at LELB Society about Hygiene Factors against CoronaVirus for Kids

روش های پیشگیری از بیماری کرونا – مطالب علمی در آموزش زبان فارسی به همراه ویدیو و آموزش واژگان فارسی برای آموزش آنلاین زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان Watch this video on YouTube شستن دست ها برای پیشگیری از بیماری کرونا، دست های خود را مرتب با آب و صابون و به مدت حد…

Edify GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Edify GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Edify GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈed.ɪ.faɪ/ (verb) Definition to guide or educate someone, instruct someone spiritually or morally, train, teach, school, enlighten, tutor, better, inform, cultivate Example Guru is a Sanskrit term for a “mentor, guide, expert, or master” of certain knowledge or field who edifies apprentices, learners or students. In pan-Indian traditions, a guru is…

Cosset GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Cosset GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Cosset GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈkɒs.ɪt/ (verb) Definition to give excessive care and attention to someone, treat with great care, indulge, pamper, overindulge, coddle, shelter, mollycoddle, cater to, wrap in cotton wool, protect, fondle, dandle, spoil, baby, pet Example Cosseted children growing up unable to cope with failure because parents are ‘not allowing them to be…