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Fiasco 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 3

fiasco LELB Society

Fiasco 1100 Words You Need Fiasco 1100 Words You Need /fiˈæs.kəʊ/ (noun) something planned that goes wrong and is a complete failure, usually in an embarrassing way, debacle, disaster, shambles, mess, failure: The show was a fiasco – the lights wouldn’t work, one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage. antonym: success,…

Disparage 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 3

disparage LELB Society

Disparage 1100 Words You Need Disparage 1100 Words You Need /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ (verb) to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value them, belittle, disdain, take down a peg, laugh at, mock, make fun of, poke fun at, deride, pour scorn on, sneer, criticize vilify, run down, denigrate, scorn:…

Perverse 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 2

perverse LELB Society

Perverse 1100 Words You Need Perverse 1100 Words You Need /pəˈvɜːs/ (adj) strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy, obstinate, willful, stubborn, headstrong, tenacious, pertinacious, unorthodox, eccentric, deviant, abnormal, disobedient, rebellious, irrational: Jack was being perverse and refusing to agree with anything we said. She took a perverse pleasure in hearing that…

Chagrin 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 2

chagrin LELB Society

Chagrin 1100 Words You Need Chagrin 1100 Words You Need /ˈʃæg.rɪn/ (noun) disappointment or annoyance, especially when caused by a failure or mistake, humiliation, mortification, vexation, embarrassment, irritation, disappointment, sorrow: My children have never shown an interest in music, much to my chagrin. antonym: delight, pleasure, joy Fre: dépit Fa: غم و غصه

Precocious 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 2

precocious LELB Society

Precocious 1100 Words You Need Precocious 1100 Words You Need /prɪˈkəʊ.ʃəs/ (adj) (especially of children) showing unusually early mental development or achievement, advanced, intelligent, bright, highbrow, ingenious, gifted, talented, articulate, clever, mature: A precocious child, she went to university at the age of 15. She recorded her first CD at the precocious age of 12.…

I’m From Missouri 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 1

I'm from Missouri LELB Society

I’m From Missouri 1100 Words I’m From Missouri 1100 Words I’m skeptical and cynic, to have doubt about something, to not be sure about something, doubtful, cynical, doubting, unconvinced, incredulous, uncertain, distrustful, dubious, suspicious, questioning: You might abide by his ideas so easily, but I’m from Missouri. antonym: convinced, persuaded Fre: sceptique Fa: شکاک، مردد

Consternation 1100 Words You Need Week 6 Day 1

consternation LELB Society

Consternation 1100 Words You Need Consternation 1100 Words You Need /ˌkɒnt.stəˈneɪ.ʃən/ (noun) a feeling of anxiety, shock or confusion, disquiet, dismay, trepidation, bewilderment: The prospect of so much work filled him with consternation. To his consternation, when he got to the airport he found he’d forgotten his passport. His decision caused consternation in the art…