Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking Practice

Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking practice

Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking Practice

Please note that the necessity of completing your 2 assignments lies in the fact that our conversation in the class is on the basis of your questions and replies.

Argue for/against

Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.

 The sixth sense is the same as instinct.

Photo Scanning

Please examine the photo below and try to come up with as many reasons as you can in support of the following statement:

It’s better to rely on your intuition rather than logic to be happy in life.

Reaching a Conclusion

  • At the end of each session, we try to come to an informed conclusion on the selected issue.
  • The students are expected to take notes during the class and use their notes to reach a conclusion at the end of each session in around 2 minutes.

Call for Feedback

Please help us to improve the quality of this class and our online community (LELB Society) by expressing your precious ideas about this question:

To improve the quality of our classes and give more attention to the challenging and academic content of the course, we consciously focus on voice conference rather than video conference. Do you think it is necessary to have video conference and see each other in order to have successful argumentations and negotiation of meaning? Please provide reasons for your viewpoint.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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67 thoughts on “Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking Practice”

  1. Suggested exercises in six sense improvement
    1. Learn to notice small things
    2. Record what you see
    3. Learn to listen and watch closely
    4. Exercise your non visual senses
    5. Spend time in nature regularly
    6. Find your personal way of communion with your inner self; that sacred space within, in which silence reigns. It is in that silent place that your ideal model will appear whenever you are attuned to your soul or permanent witness.

    • “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched but are felt in the heart.” –Helen Keller
      “The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want. And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself. And the only way to know yourself, is to be yourself. And the only way to be yourself is to listen to your heart.” –Mike Dooley

    • You can think of creativity as the gateway to a realm of life that is way beyond the intellect. Imagination, creativity, inspiration and sensuality are all trait that can be attributed to the heart, figuratively speaking. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to encourage the heart to speak up is by engaging it in a creative way. The great painters such as van Gogh, inspiring composers such as van Beethoven, stunning musicians and artists that made you speechless with their wonderful creations have used many tools ranging from creativity and imagination – rationality, logic and reason are none of them.

      • Precisely. However creativity should be monitored by dint of logic and wisdom. Not all sorts of creativity will lead you somewhere. I suppose wisdom, clear conscience and clarity of mind provide a stepping-stone to organized creativity. Otherwise, over-creativity might lead to chaos.

        • I agree with you in this case. But I mean that creative works will strengthen your connection with the heart and will allow you to discover the things in life you are really passionate about. When you use your words in poem or draw an artwork, make music or take photo, etc. you let your heart to speak up that create great things. listen your heart and do the best for life.

          • Your words are like a piece of diamond! ?
            God has created us with two complementary dimensions, i.e. logic and emotion. In other words, analytic information processing and initiative, creativity or sense of visualization/imagination. I believe both of them, critical thinking and creative thinking should supplement each other. Too much attention on just one of them is, in the long term, misleading.

            • Thanks for your attention.
              sorry, I do not want anybody misunderstand the concept of listening to the heart as becoming overly emotional or sensitive, hence suppressing any logic and reason. It is all about calmness, inner peace that is located within each and every one of us, allowing it to guide you through life. As you say above we see especial things when our analytical and creative knowledge go hand in hand with each other!

    • To be honest, I’m confused with the six sense because most of the time I go the wrong way with that. For example, when I feel that today some thing good is going to happen, the reverse my happen and shock me. However, when I focus on my inner self, I’m certain that I do the right thing.

    • To be honest, I’m confused with the six sense because most of the time I go the wrong way with that. For example, when I feel that today some thing good is going to happen, the reverse my happen and shock me. However, when I focus on my inner self, I’m certain that I do the right thing.

    • In my view, which one be selected depends on people’ experiences and on how they make decisions in their life. In general, It doesn’t take place impulsively. For example logic man is logical or mothers take care about their kids intuitively. Cause of my prior experiences I will select my heart’s inspiration rather than logic in tough situation.

      • I have experienced some special occasions on which my own logic could not provide me with practical solutions to some intricate problems. Then I would refer to my own infinite intelligence, as stated by Napoleon Hill.

    • In my point of view, the matter is a long-term happiness which is based on the right decisions. Impulsive decision won’t let us feel really fulfilled. In evaluating situation to make up the mind, somehow sixth sense or our perception ability might give us a favor in a dilemma while login is confused. However there are people like Steve Jobs who believed in gut feeling and established Apple on his intuition. Nonetheless I think this kind of intuitive people consciously train their sixth sense as strong as their logical sense since their gut feeling is capable to make right decision.

    • Intuition – which some call a “gut feeling” or a “hunch” -is a form of thinking that is ‘non-conscious’: you know things, but you do not know why. It depends on our subjective impressions that give us a “gut” feeling or some sort of psychic awareness that provides instant knowledge. This awareness cannot be explained logically but creates a strong positive or negative feeling to do something or not. Intuitive knowledge is not learned or intellectual. It is connected to our feelings, rather than our analytical minds that may arise from the subconscious mind or some sort of internal radar we have to evaluate situations.

    • In my opinion, everything is relative. i think we need to rely on both aspects.
      we should make good decissions which bring us prosperity in our life,as matter of fact we have to analize every happenings and actions which are taking place around us percesiely in order to make the best other words using our rational can help to do our best,however,it does not garante living a happy life since we need to listen to our heart.
      In conclusion ,for living a happy life,it is better to make balance between logic and our intuition.

    • It seems that animals benefit more from the six sense than human. For example, when an earthquake is going to happen, animals notice it several hours before but human don’t have such power. Such ability is essential for animals because they have to react instantly to life-or-death threats without taking time to think but human have the ability to think which makes them superior to animals. In fact the advantage of six sense and intuition is related to fast and instant ideas and feelings which come to our mind, but in many realms of human performance, the faster we perform a task, the more errors we’re prone to make. Being aware of the erroneous property of our sixth-sense intuitions, we can get in the habit of performing quality controls that tell us when to trust our hyper-fast intuitions and when to double-check them. So as human beings we should relay more on logic than intuition.

      • As usual, amazing!
        However, I cannot concur with your view about animals’ sixth sense. I suppose animals’ senses are more acute, especially in the case of some natural disasters, e.g. earthquakes. For instance, they can detect some vibrations on the ground, smell some gases coming from subterranean structures, and the like. It doesn’t show that they have intuition. In the case of dogs, their smelling sense is hundreds of times stronger than ours. Fish and snakes can see some types of light that are invisible to us, such as infrared, and the story goes on and on. So let us not mistake their acute and sharp senses for the sixth sense.

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