Sober Definition in Context with Images Visual Dictionary

Sober definition in context with images in visual dictionary

Sober definition in context with images in visual dictionary from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, sober, in real context with synonyms and antonyms and improve your reading comprehension as well. /ˈsəʊ.bəʳ/ (adj & verb) Sober definition calm and serious, grave, somber, austere not drunk or under the influence of alcohol …

Abstain GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Abstain GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Abstain GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /æbˈsteɪn/ (verb) refrain from something, prefer not to do something normal and enjoyable for personal reasons or beliefs, choose not to do something, desist, withhold, hold back, withdraw, forbear, eschew, give up, avoid, shun, curb – not to vote for or against a proposal when you can do so, sit on …

Cease 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 27

cease LELB Society

Cease 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 27 /siːs/ (verb) to stop something, put an end to, finish, end, put a stop to, terminate, abolish, come to a close, die down, close down, desist, discontinue, abstain, give up A ceasefire (or truce), also spelled cease fire (the antonym of ‘open fire’), is a temporary stoppage of …

Resist 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9

resist LELB Society

Resist 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9 with synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS students in authentic context /rɪˈzɪst/ (verb) to show opposition to something, object to, defy, oppose, to fight against someone or something, counterattack, repel, combat, refuse to accept, avoid, refrain, endure, abstain from, desist, challenge, forbear If …

Refrain – English Flashcard for Refrain for IELTS

Refrain - English Flashcard for Refrain - LELB Society

Refrain Refrain (noun & verb) /rɪˈfreɪn/ verb: to hold back from doing something – avoid – stop – desist, cease, hold back, abstain Noun: repeated verse or line in a poem, catch phrase, chorus Please refrain from cheating in the exam. Antonyms persist Parts of speech Noun: refrainment Noun: refrainer

Abjure – English Flashcard for Abjure with Synonyms

Abjure - English Flashcard for Abjure - LELB Society

Abjure Abjure (verb) /əbˈdʒʊəʳ/ to state publicly that you no longer hold a previous belief – renounce – give up a belief – shun – avoid – deny – repudiate – abstain from – reject – refrain: Abjure in context To everybody’s chagrin, he openly abjured any fraternity and affinity with his close friends. After …