Pithy GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Pithy GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Pithy GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈpɪθ.i/ (adj) Definition (of speech or writing) short and expressive, terse, laconic, witty, to the point, epigrammatic, succinct, curt, brief, acute, concise, compact, condensed Example When trying to share our opinions, many of us have trouble speaking pithily and getting to the point. This is compounded by the fact that some…

Severity 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 27

severity LELB Society

Severity 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 27 /sɪˈver.ɪ.ti/ (noun) the state of being intense or severe, intenseness, intensity, harshness, strictness, cruelty, sternness, ruthlessness, cruelty, brutality, relentlessness – seriousness, gravity, acuteness – simplicity, bareness, plainness We compared three assessor types (self-assessors, peer-assessors, and teacher assessors) to determine whether they differed in the levels of severity they…

Trenchant 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 3

Trenchant 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 3 at LELB Society for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Trenchant 1100 Words You Need Trenchant 1100 Words You Need /ˈtren.tʃənt/ (adj) expressed in a direct and incisive manner, expressing strong criticism and forceful opinions, straightforward, candid, to the point, cutting, sharp, biting, acerbic, severe, penetrating, forthright, caustic In April 1989 a trenchant critic of Roger Douglas’s economic policies, Jim Anderton, resigned from the Labour…

Excruciating 1100 Words You Need Week 8 Day 4

excruciating LELB Society

Excruciating 1100 Words You Need Excruciating 1100 Words You Need /ɪkˈskruː.ʃi.eɪ.tɪŋ/ (adj) Excruciating definition 1. extremely painful, agonizing, unbearable, awful, piercing, tormenting, racking, sharp, acute, severe, intense: Example an excruciating pain in the lower back 2. extremely boring or embarrassing, irritating, toe-curling, tedious, infuriating: excruciating boredom His confession, when it came, was excruciating. Antonyms enthralling,…

Keen GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Keen

Keen GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Keen GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /kiːn/ (adj) very interested, eager or wanting (to do) something very much, fanatical, willing, desirous, dedicated, devoted, acute, canny, quick, enthusiastic, zealous, sharp, intense, deep, profound, ardent, sharp-edged, sensitive: They were very keen to start work as soon as possible. a keen north wind a keen sense…

Drastic – English Flashcard for Drastic with Synonyms

Drastic - English Flashcard for Drastic - LELB Society

Drastic Drastic (adj) /ˈdræs.tɪk/ having a strong influence or effect – severe – extreme – marked and easily noticed – radical – dire – far-reaching – acute, intense: In that critical situation, he had to take the bull by the horns and take drastic action immediately. Antonyms modest Parts of speech Adverb: drastically

Acute – English Flashcard for Acute with Synonyms

Acute - English Flashcard for Acute - LELB Society

Acute Acute /əˈkjuːt/ (adj) extremely serious and painful – grave – intense – intelligent and perceptive – shrewd – keen – astute – sharp – sensitive to details – (of an angle) less than 90 degrees His unsuccessful lecture before an audience of 100 entrepreneurs caused him acute embarrassment. Parts of speech Noun: acuteness Adverb:…

Profound – English Flashcard on Profound for IELTS

Profound - English Flashcard for Profound - LELB Society

Profound Profound (adj) /prəˈfaʊnd/ showing a great perception and understanding of important issues – deep and thoughtful – perceptive – reflective – insightful – intense – acute: Profound in context Solving this difficult math problem requires a profound understanding of complicated equations. The discovery of the ancient manuscript had a profound impact on the field…