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Learn English Vocabulary with Pictures 2820+ Visual Words

Learn English vocabulary with pictures and in real context including 2820+ academic vocabulary

Do you want to learn English vocabulary with pictures to remember new words for a longer period of time if not forever? Visual learning is an effective way to learn English vocabulary for longer retention. In addition, learning vocabulary with images compared to plain text can make vocabulary learning more fun. Watch this video on:…

Learn Vocabulary with Images & 2600 Flashcards

Learn vocabulary with images in real context

Learn vocabulary with images in real context with clear illustrations, synonyms and antonyms. Make advanced vocabulary stick in your mind forever with expressive illustrations and images. Why learn vocabulary with images? It is quite natural to forget advanced vocabulary, particularly when they are intangible and abstract words, such as envy, begrudge, congenial, camaraderie, aloof, and…

Cortex of the Brain | Neurolinguistics

Cortex Cortex or cerebral cortex covers the surface of the brain and is only 2-4 mm (0.08-0.16 inches) thick. It plays a central role in such functions as memory, attention, perceptual awareness, language, and consciousness. The outermost part of the cortex is grey in color, hence the common term ‘grey matter’. The inner layers are…

Willpower – IELTS Speaking Practice

Determination Determination – IELTS Speaking Practice Question-and-Answer: How much do you believe in the influence of willpower? (Hariri) How much has willpower helped you in your life? (Hariri) How can you increase your resolution in life? Do you think self-discipline is contagious? In other words, can you learn it from other people around you? What…