The Salt Merchant and His Donkey – Best Aesop’s Fables

The Salt Merchant and His Donkey with vocabulary practice and podcast for ESL students

The Salt Merchant and His Donkey from Aesop’s fables for ESL students to learn vocabulary in context with images and enjoy English literature. Source of story: Gutenberg Project at Video of The Salt Merchant and His Donkey Watch this video on YouTube The Persian version of the short story Study The Salt Merchant and His …

Listless GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Listless GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Listless GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈlɪst.ləs/ (adj) lacking enthusiasm or energy to do anything that requires effort, weary, apathetic, lethargic, lazy, indolent, uninterested, enervated, languid, inert If you are listless or have a low mood that lasts 2 weeks or more, it could be a sign of depression. Support is also available if you’re finding it …

Slothful – English Flashcard for Slothful with Synonyms

Slothful - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Slothful Slothful /ˈsləʊθ.fəl/ (adj) disliking any form of physical exertion, lazy, indolent, lethargic, phlegmatic, lifeless, slow, idle, sluggish, inactive, apathetic, languid: Slothful in context She wakes up her slothful son to walk. Slothful people usually tend to pick sedentary jobs. A well-earned rest is a sheer pleasure that cannot be witnessed by slothful people. Antonyms active, lively, energetic Parts of speech …

Lethargic – English Flashcard for Lethargic with Synonyms

lethargic LELB Society

Lethargic Lethargic: Adjective /ləˈθɑː.dʒɪk/ lacking in energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything, tired, phlegmatic, sluggish, weary, lackluster, languid, indolent, exhausted, lifeless: Lethargic in context The obese teenager seems lethargic after eating so much food due to his voracious appetite. Afternoon is the time when everybody tends to be lethargic. Being old doesn’t necessarily mean to be lethargic. You should have stopped being lethargic because being lethargic is …

Indolent – English Flashcard for Indolent with Synonyms

indolent LELB Society

Indolent Indolent (Adj) /ˈɪn.dəl.ənt/ lazy; showing no real interest or effort, lethargic, sluggish, idle, slothful, apathetic, lax, torpid, languid: Indolent in context He felt too indolent to get out of bed last Friday. Don’t surrender to any sense of indolence. Otherwise, you’ll turn into quite an indolent person. Do you think that indolent people are smarter than ordinary ones? Despite being exceptionally talented, Mark’s indolent nature often hindered …

Idle – English Flashcard for Idle with Synonyms

idle LELB Society

Idle Idle: /ˈaɪ.dļ/ (Adj) 1. not working or being used: Children become too idle to go out for playing due to computer and mobile games. The propagation of idleness in every society is a serious malady which should be overcome by spreading public activities. Frankly speaking, I envy the idle rich who earn easy money and have an easy-peasy lifestyle. Half these factories now stand idle. 2. without any particular …

English Vocabulary about Laziness for IELTS


English Vocabulary about Laziness English Vocabulary about Laziness Drag one’s feet (idiom) to do something slowly because you do not want to do it Watch this video on YouTube The advertiser was dragging his feet owing to non-payment for his previous work. The painter dragged his feet until he got ensured about receiving a good …