English Negotiation | Vegetarianism and Health

Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism

English Negotiation | Vegetarianism English Negotiation | Vegetarianism Topic for Negotiation:  Is vegetarianism a suitable diet for you? Two Negotiators: Arash: Impartial.  Dr. Hariri: impartial. Selected Text Source: https://www.askdrsears.com/ Is the vegetarian diet automatically the healthiest way to eat? Yes and no. Yes, a vegetarian diet is excellent for good health when you follow the…

English Negotiation | Mental Gender Differences

Reprogram Your Mind - Learn English to Live Better at LELB Society with podcast and flashcards to improve reading, listening and vocabulary

English Negotiation | Mental Gender Differences English Negotiation | Mental Gender Differences Topic for Negotiation: Watch this video on YouTube Let us discuss some clear mental distinctions between men and women. Arash: Impartial.  Dr. Hariri: impartial. Note Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you should take equal turns in the…

English Negotiation | Flippancy vs. Seriousness

Definition of Flippant in visual thesaurus in real context and authentic examples at LELB Society

English Negotiation | Flippancy vs. Seriousness English Negotiation | Flippancy vs. Seriousness Topic for Negotiation: Utter seriousness, as opposed to extreme flippancy, is a more important factor in ensuring happiness in life. Watch this video on YouTube Arash agrees.  Dr. Hariri disagrees. Note Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you…

English Negotiation | Science vs. Wealth

Definition of pathology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

English Negotiation | Science vs. Wealth English Negotiation | Science vs. Wealth Topic for Negotiation: Science, in contrast to wealth, is a more important factor in bringing you happiness. Watch this video on YouTube Mohammad agrees.  Dr. Hariri disagrees. Note Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you should take equal…

English Negotiation | E-books vs. Print Books

IELTS essay on e-books vs paper books with full analysis and assessment

English Negotiation | E-books vs. Print Books English Negotiation | E-books vs. Print Books Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: E-books are infinitely preferable to print books for a variety of reasons. Arash agrees.  Dr. Hariri disagrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity based on skill…

English Negotiation | Nature vs. Nurture

Practice reading & listening on Genetics at LELB Society with flashcards and podcast for IELTS & TOEFL

English Negotiation | Nature vs. Nurture English Negotiation | Nature vs. Nurture Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Your nature (genetic make-up), compared to your nurture (environment and upbringing), is relatively a more important factor in determining your success in life. Arash disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning…

English Negotiation | Left-handed vs. Right-handed

Definition of Neurology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

English Negotiation | Left-handed vs. Right-handed English Negotiation | Left-handed vs. Right-handed Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Left-handed people are more intelligent than right-handed ones. Mohammad disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity based on skill integration to practice the 4 skills…

English Negotiation | Early Birds vs. Night Owls

English Webinar on Early Birds vs. Night Owls - LELB Society

English Negotiation | Early Birds vs. Night Owls English Negotiation | Early Birds vs. Night Owls Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Night owls, compared to early birds, tend to be more productive in life. Arash disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity…

English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity

Longevity 1100 Words you need to know week 25 day 4 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity English Negotiation | Life Quality vs. Life Quantity Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: The quantity of life (longevity) is more important than the quality of life. Mohammad disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity…

English Negotiation | City Life vs. Country Life

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - an Aesop's Fable at LELB Society to practice vocabulary and listening

English Negotiation | City Life vs. Country Life English Negotiation | City Life vs. Country Life Watch this video on YouTube Topic for Negotiation: Country life is more ideal than city life to lead a happy life. Arash disagrees.  Dr. Hariri agrees. About Negotiation of Meaning: Negotiation of meaning is a useful and practical activity…