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Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism for IELTS

free English webinar on vegetarianism

Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism What is vegetarianism? Vegetarianism is the practice of avoiding any kind of flesh of animals, fish, chicken, etc. for eating food. Sometimes eggs and dairy products are excluded. Vegetarianism could be adopted b imitation or mindful selection. If chosen by imitation, it could cause malnutrition.…

English Presentation | Plant Intelligence

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation | Plant Intelligence English Presentation | Plant Intelligence Watch this video on YouTube How to Give a Significant Presentation Write the script of your Lecture: Noun1. a formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially students: We went to a lecture on Italian art. Who’s giving the lecture this afternoon? 2.…

English Negotiation | Vegetarianism and Health

English Negotiation | Vegetarianism English Negotiation | Vegetarianism ? Topic for Negotiation:  Is vegetarianism a suitable diet for you? ? vs. ? Negotiators: Arash: Impartial.  Dr. Hariri: impartial. ? Selected Text ? Source: https://www.askdrsears.com/ Is the vegetarian diet automatically the healthiest way to eat? Yes and no. Yes, a vegetarian diet is excellent for good…