Participation – English Flashcard for Participation for IELTS

Participation Flashcard LELB Society

Participation Participation (noun) /pɑːˌtɪs.ɪˈpeɪ.ʃən/ US /pɑːrˌtɪs.ə-/ the act of taking part in an activity or becoming involved in it – partaking – involvement: To pass this course, you need to have active and response participation in all of the academic activities. Parts of Speech Verb: participate Noun: participant Adjective: participatory Adverb: participatorily Antonyms non-involvement, absence

Participate – English Flashcard for Participate for IELTS

Participate Flashcard LELB Society

Participate Participate (verb) /pɑːˈtɪs.ɪ.peɪt/ US /pɑːrˈtɪs.ə-/ to attend or take part in an activity or become involved in it – take part in: Being an astute student, she was ready to participate in any scientific contest. Parts of Speech Noun: participation Noun: participant Adjective: participatory Adverb: participatorily Antonyms avoid, quit

Conversation Analysis | TESL Issues

Classroom interaction in second language learning written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Conversation Analysis Conversation Analysis Like ‘discourse analysis’, Conversational Analysis provides a tool for conducting micro-analyses of classroom discourse and, in particular, for examining the sequential development of classroom talk. CA derives from a branch of sociology-ethnomethodology. Seedhouse identified five key principles of this method of enquiry: Indexicality, i.e. the use that interactants make of shared…

Activity Theory and SLA | TESL Lessons

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

Activity Theory Activity Theory was developed by a group of Russian psychologists called the Kharkovites, of which the best known is A. N. Leont’ev. This theory was a development of Vygotskian theory. Lantolf described it as “a unified account of Vygotsky’s original proposals on the nature and development of human behavior”. Leontiev proposed that people…

How to Give a Significant Presentation

Academic Articles LELB Society

How to Give a Significant Presentation How to Give a Significant Presentation Write the script of your lecture in advance and rehearse your presentation several times before your main speech. This technique gives you an abundance of confidence, especially if you are a beginner. You can also prepare handouts for your presentation and distribute them…