An English Grammar Lesson on Reported Speech

Good quotes for discussion forum for ESL students at LELB Society

An English grammar lesson on reported speech with many simple examples Reported speech in English Study this example situations on reported speech. Mike said ‘I’m feeling ill.’ Or you can use reported speech: Mike said that he was feeling ill. In writing, we use these quotation marks to show direct speech. reported Mike said that …

English Conversation on Creativity and Innovation

Reading Practice on creativity with flashcards to practice reading and vocabulary for IELTS & TOEFL

English conversation on creativity and innovation for ESL students English Questions on Creativity What are some of the activities or thoughts that may kill your creativity or paralyze it a lot? Name some techniques or activities that can help you to become more innovative and creative. What is the significance of being creative in today’s …

English Conversation on Developing People Skills

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

English conversation on developing people skills for ESL students Topic: “How to Develop People Skills?” Round table Activity Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “2”. Then attempt to come up with as many cogent reasons as possible to support your viewpoint in 2 minutes (Brainstorming). Finally, prepare to get into …

English Conversation on Stress for IELTS and TOEFL

English Conversation on Stress

English conversation on stress for ESL students Topic: “How do you try to handle stress in your life?” English questions on stress Is there anything positive about stress? What is the role of stress in our success or failure (if any)? What happens if you overlook stress in your life?  Is stress contagious, i.e. transmitted …