Wanton GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Wanton GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Wanton GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈwɒn.tən/ (adj) Definition reckless and unrestrained, licentious, capricious, immoral, heedless, impious, undisciplined, vicious, malicious – sextually indiscriminate and unrestrained Example “The immediate financial costs are worrying, but the threat to society is even more serious because seemingly isolated violations chip away trust, encourage negative social norms, and increase the prevalence and…

Prodigal GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Prodigal GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Prodigal GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈprɒd.ɪ.gəl/ (adj) wasting money recklessly, spending money wastefully, reckless, dissolute, extravagant, spendthrift, profligate, lavish, imprudent, uncontrolled You can head off ungrateful behavior by talking to your prodigal child before a birthday party or holiday where gifts are given. Discuss the fact that gifts cost money and that people often spend a…

Hasty 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36

hasty LELB Society

Hasty 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36 /ˈheɪ.sti/ (adj) done so quickly and without enough attention, rapid, in a hurry, perfunctory, cursory, swift, impulsive, hurried, quick, impetuous, rushed, fast, speedy, precipitate, reckless When most people have a problem, they want to find and implement a solution so quickly that they sometimes don’t take the time…

Remiss 1100 Words You Need Week 26 Day 1

remiss LELB Society

Remiss 1100 Words You Need Remiss 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈmɪs/ (adj) Remiss definition careless and not doing one’s duty properly enough, negligent, inattentive, thoughtless, slapdash Example Evidently, Atty. Elayda was remiss in his duties and responsibilities as a member of the legal profession. His conduct shows that he not only failed to exercise due…

Imprudent 1100 Words You Need Week 24 Day 2

imprudent LELB Society

Imprudent 1100 Words You Need Imprudent 1100 Words You Need /ɪmˈpruː.dənt/ (adj) unwise and not considering the consequences of one’s actions, stupid, foolish, showing no care, caution or forethought, impulsive, indiscreet, irresponsible, rash, hasty, careless, thoughtless, inconsiderate, incautious, unwary, reckless One of the contributory factors to the recent global financial crisis is the level of…

Rash 1100 Words You Need Week 11 Day 4

rash LELB Society

Rash 1100 Words You Need Rash 1100 Words You Need /ræʃ/ (adj & noun) careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result, lax, thoughtless and impetuous, impulsive, hasty, reckless, foolish, imprudent, precipitous, brash, insensible – skin eruption, an outbreak on the surface of the skin that is often reddish and itchy, flush,…

Inadvertent 1100 Words You Need Week 3 Day 2

Inadvertent 1100 Words You Need Week 3 Day 2

Inadvertent 1100 Words You Need Inadvertent 1100 Words You Need /ˌɪn.ədˈvɜː.tənt/ (adj) Inadvertent definition done unintentionally and carelessly, resulting from recklessness, unintentional, unintended, reckless, careless, involuntary, unplanned, ad hoc, accidental, indiscriminate, heedless, not attentive: Example The referee received an inadvertent blow from one of the aggressive fighters, which knocked him unconscious. Antonyms intentional Parts of…

Impetuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Impetuous

Impetuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Impetuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪmˈpet.ju.əs/ (adj) tending to act on a sudden idea or wish, without considering the results of your actions, impulsive, rash, hasty, unthinking, sudden, reckless, spontaneous, precipitate: He’s so impetuous – why can’t he think things over before he rushes into them? She might live to regret this…

Indiscriminate 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 1

Indiscriminate 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 1

Indiscriminate 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 1 Indiscriminate 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 1 /ˌɪn.dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.nət/ (adj) done or completed without thinking, reckless, making no accurate distinctions, unselective, undiscriminating, uncritical, haphazard, random, arbitrary, unsystematic: A great deal of civilians got killed in that indiscriminate bombing. Fre: sans discernement Fa: خالی از تبعیض،…

Reckless – English Flashcard for Reckless for IELTS

Reckless | English Flashcard for Reckless - LELB Society

Reckless Reckless (adj) /ˈrek.ləs/ not considering possible dangers, thoughtless and careless, hasty, inattentive, heedless and wild, irresponsible These days, you see many reckless drivers on the streets. Antonyms careful, cautious Parts of Speech Noun: recklessness Adverb: recklessly