English Vocabulary for Hotel Booking

Persian Conversation at the Hotel at LELB Society taught by Mahsa Mohammadi for online Persian classes

English Vocabulary for Hotel Booking English Vocabulary for Hotel Booking Source: Wikipedia At hotels or similar establishments, guests are usually required to check in (also called register or sign-in), which involves providing or confirming the guests’ personal information and providing a signature. The laws of some countries require guests to sign a register (or a registration card) …

Impact Factor

impact factor - LELB Society

Impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher impact factors deemed to be more important than those with lower …

Structure Dependency

Persian Sentence Structure for Non-Persian Speakers

Structure Dependency Structure dependency is one of the properties of human language. Furthermore, it is one of the principles of Universal Grammar (UG), which is common to the syntax of all languages. Knowledge of language relies on the structural relationship in the sentences rather than on the sequence of words. This structural relationship in the …

English Vocabulary for Agreement

Rapport English Flashcard LELB Society

English Vocabulary for Agreement English Vocabulary for Agreement Watch this video on YouTube Accord to match or agree with something: The new policy accords with the current needs of our company.   Acquiesce to agree with something in a passive way: Unwillingly, the vice-president of the company had to acquiesce in / to the new …

Free English Class on Coffee Consumption

Free English Class on Coffee Consumption Free English Class on Coffee Consumption Video of this English class on coffee consumption Watch this video on YouTube Questions Extracted from this Free English Class How long is the average attention span in humans? What is dopamine and its function in your body? How can caffeine stimulate your brain? What …

Transformational Generative Grammar

Transformational Generative Grammar - LELB Society

Transformational Generative Grammar In the late 1960s, Noam Chomsky replaced behaviorism with cognitive psychology. Based on thinking, comprehension, memory, and uniqueness of language learning to the human species. Chomsky claims that the history of linguistics shows a move from an E-language to an I-language approach; “the shift of focus from the dubious concept of E-language …

Free English Class on Practicing English

Free English Class on Practicing English - LELB Society

Free English Class on Practicing English Free English Class on Practicing English The major objective of this online environment is to provide ample opportunities for all of the people, particularly Iranians, to optimize their English learning together with updating and improving their lives through the window of English, thereby ‘learning English to live better’. The main …

IELTS Reading on Time Management

IELTS Reading on Time Management IELTS Reading on Time Management What is time management? In today’s busy world, being able to get more done allows us to get ahead in life, and even gives us more time to do the things we love. Time management is about how effectively you plan and control your time …