Squalid Definition in Context with Images

Squalid definition in context with images and synonyms

Squalid definition in context with images, synonyms and parts of speech from Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. Learn the word, squalid, in authentic short passages with illustrations and text-to-speech. /ˈskwɒl.ɪd/ (adj) Squalid definition (of places) extremely filthy, dirty and unpleasant, nasty, sordid, unclean, foul, fetid, neglected, miserable (morality) extremely immoral and disgusting, lacking moral standards,…

Corpus Delicti Definition in Context with Images

Corpus delicti definition in context with images and short real examples

Corpus delicti definition in context with images and real examples in short passages from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student as a legal term in English. Learn the word, corpus delicti, in authentic passages. /ˈkɔː.pəs – dɪˈlɪktʌɪ/ (noun) Corpus delicti definition the facts and pieces of evidence proving that a crime or murder has…

The Lion and The Shepherd Best Aesop’s Fable

The lion and the shepherd from Aesop's fables

The Lion and the Shepherd from Aesop’s fables with vocabulary practice and podcast to improve reading and listening comprehension and enjoy English literature at the same time. Source of story: Gutenberg Project at www.gutenberg.org Video of the Lion and the Shepherd Watch this video on YouTube. The Lion and the Shepherd A lion, roaming through a…

Colloquial Definition in Context with Images

Colloquial definition in context with images and synonyms

Colloquial definition in context with images and synonyms from Vocabulary for the College-bound Student used in short simple paragraphs and passages. Practice reading comprehension and improve your advanced vocabulary simultaneously. /kəˈləʊ.kwi.əl/ (adj) Colloquial definition conversational and informal as typical of speech rather than writing, vulgar, everyday, spoken, vernacular, unofficial, idiomatic Example Welcome to the Slangpedia…

Jovial Definition in Context with Images

Jovial definition in context with images and synonyms

Jovial definition in context with images, synonyms and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. Learn the word, jovial, in real context with illustrations in short authentic passages. /ˈdʒəʊ.vi.əl/ (adj) Jovial definition happy and friendly, jolly, in a good and cheerful mood, merry, amiable, jocund, affable, blithe, cheery, convivial, sociable Example If you…

IELTS Essay on Traffic Jam Complete Feedback

IELTS essay on traffic jam with complete scoring and analysis

IELTS essay on traffic jam with full essay submitted to us by our students with complete feedback and scoring. Send your IELTS essays to us for thorough analysis and get ready for the actual IELTS exam. IELTS essay question on traffic jam To solve the issue of traffic congestion in large cities, more modern methods of public transport, such…

Persecute Definition in Context with Images

Persecute definition in context with images and synonyms in visual dictionary

Persecute definition in context with images and synonyms to learn vocabulary in authentic context. Practice reading comprehension and improve your advanced vocabulary in short passages with various parts of speech. /ˈpɜː.sɪ.kjuːt/ (verb) Persecute definition to mistreat or annoy someone unfairly because of their race, ethnicity or difference of opinion, oppress, discriminate, torture, maltreat, torment, tyrannize,…

Maladroit Definition in Context with Images

Maladroit definition in context with images

Maladroit definition in context with images, synonyms and antonyms adopted from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student, used in authentic context. Learn the word, maladroit, in authentic passages. /ˌmæl.əˈdrɔɪt/ (adj) Maladroit definition gauche and inexperienced, inept, all thumbs, clumsy, showing lack of skill or dexterity, awkward, unskilled Example Social awkwardness or maladroitness doesn’t have…

قرار ملاقات در زبان فارسی تمرین مکالمه فارسی

قرار ملاقات در زبان فارسی برای تمرین مکالمه فارسی

قرار ملاقات در زبان فارسی برای آموزش زبان فارسی و تمرین مکالمه فارسی ویژه غیر فارسی زبانان به همراه ویدیوی آموزشی و اصطلاحات رایج ویدیوی درس قرار ملاقات در فارسی Watch this video on YouTube. قرار ملاقات در زبان فارسی دعوت کسی به بیرون با پاسخ مثبت (بله) به دعوت – برای آخر هفته برنامه…

Chic Meaning in Real Context with Images

Chic meaning in context with images and synonyms

Chic meaning in real context with images used in short authentic sentences to practice reading and vocabulary enrichment at the same time. Learn the French word, chic, from the book, Vocabulary for the College-bound Student. /ʃiːk/ (adj & noun) Chic meaning Adjective: fashionable and stylish, elegant, à la mode, well-groomed, attractive, in vogue Noun: fashion,…