Finance – English Flashcard for Finance for IELTS

Finance | English Flashcard for Finance - LELB Society

Finance Finance (noun & verb) /ˈfaɪ.nænts/ noun: managing monetary resources, budget, required money, economics, business, investment, funding, sponsorship Verb: make an investment, put money into, fund, pay for, invest in, support, sponsor The finance minister of the country was replaced by the president. Parts of Speech Adjective: financial Adjective: financeable Adverb: financially

Obtain – English Flashcard for Obtain for IELTS

Obtain | English Flashcard for Obtain - LELB Society

Obtain Obtain (verb) /əbˈteɪn/ to get or acquire something especially by making an attempt, get hold of, acquire, gain, achieve, attain: He obtained a remarkable medical degree from Johns Hopkins University. Antonyms lose Parts of Speech Noun: obtainment Noun: obtainer Adjective: obtainable

Cinema – English Flashcard for Cinema for IELTS

Cinema | English Flashcard for Cinema - LELB Society

Cinema Cinema (noun) /ˈsɪn.ə.mə/ Cinema definition moving picture, movies, pictures, film, movie industry, movie theater: Example Whenever American cinema is considered, Hollywood receives so much credit. Parts of speech Noun: cinematography: the art of making motion pictures Adjective: cinematic Adverb: cinematically

Harmony – English Flashcard for Harmony for IELTS

Harmony - English Flashcard for Harmony - LELB Society

Harmony Harmony (noun) /ˈhɑː.mə.ni/ US /ˈhɑːr-/ friendly agreement among people – accord – pleasant combination of musical sounds – musical notes played together in agreement – synchronization – coherence, coordination, congruence, agreement, concord: In this organization, all the staff work in perfect harmony. Antonyms incongruence, discord Parts of Speech Verb: harmonize Noun: harmonization Adjective: harmonious Adjective: …

Relate – English Flashcard for Relate for IELTS

Relate - English flashcard for Relate - LELB Society

Relate Relate (verb) /rɪˈleɪt/ be connected to, associate, connect, attach, join, corelate, link up, interact, form a relationship – describe something, narrate, respond, recount, relay, speak about: His financial success is a byproduct of luck and it does not relate to perseverance. Antonyms disconnect Parts of Speech Noun: relation Noun: relationship Noun: relater Adjective: related …

Stationary – English Flashcard for Stationary for IELTS

Stationary - English Flashcard for Stationary - LELB Society

Stationary Stationary (adj) /ˈsteɪ.ʃən.ər.i/ US /-ʃə.ner-/ fixed in place, motionless, immobile, unchanging, inactive, static, inert, at a standstill, still, fixed, unmoving: Having got a divorce, I experienced a stationary phase in my life lasting for 2 years. Antonyms moving, dynamic Parts of Speech Noun: station

Resume – English Flashcard for Resume for IELTS

Resume - English Flashcard for Resume - LELB Society

Resume Resume (verb) /rɪˈzjuːm/ US /-ˈzuːm/ to continue doing something after a temporary pause – restart – recommence – pick up where you left off – return – go back, get back on track: He’ll resume his work as soon as he recovers from his illness. Antonyms stop Parts of Speech Noun: resumption Noun: résumé: …

Subsequent – English Flashcard for Subsequent for IELTS

Subsequent - English Flashcard for Subsequent | LELB Society

Subsequent Subsequent (adj) /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ later in time and/or order, occurring after something else in time, future, later, following, succeeding, successive, consequent: The subsequent chapters of the book involve so much crime and violence. Antonyms preceding, prior Parts of Speech Adverb: subsequently

Event – English Flashcard for Event for IELTS

Event | English Flashcard for Event - LELB Society

Event Event (noun) /ɪˈvent/ a significant occurrence, incidence, organized occasion, happening: Each year at this time, local people gather here to celebrate this important event. Parts of Speech Adjective: eventual Adjective: eventful Adjective: uneventful Adverb: eventually Verb: eventuate

Elevate – English Flashcard for Elevate for IELTS

Elevate | English Flashcard for Elevate - LELB Society

Elevate Elevate (verb) /ˈel.ɪ.veɪt/ to raise something to a higher position – increase – uplift – promote – exalt: His job position was elevated to the assistant manager for his qualifications and diligence. Antonyms lower, demote Parts of Speech Noun: elevation Noun: elevator Adjective: elevated