English Vocabulary in Context

English Vocabulary in Context

English Vocabulary in Context

The Outline of This Lesson on English Vocabulary in Context

Context 1

Many people readily admit that they are hypochondriacs. For example, Travis once thought he had a flesh-eating virus when he found a mysterious red spot on his arm, and Kevin needs only sneeze and he is convinced it’s pneumonia.

Context 2

Katie often feels enervated by the Florida heat in August. She’s too tired to move!

Context 3

Amber’s writing professor taught her it is acceptable to use colloquial words when writing e-mails and texts; on the other hand, when writing an academic paper, she should use more formal language.

Context 4

Jennifer begged her mom to let her go on the spring break trip, and she was thrilled when her mother acquiesced.

Context 5

Why do you want to fritter away your hand-earned paychecks on new designer purses and shoes that you don’t need?

Context 6

The instructor’s explanation of comma use was esoteric; it would have been much easier to understand if he had told me, “When in doubt, leave the comma out!”

Context 7

It was presumptuous of Jennie to assume Michael would ask her out on a date, but she was happy when he did.

Context 8

After the surgery, I noticed that my arm had started to atrophy. For example, it was much thinner than my left arm, and I could barely lift a three-pound weight.

Context 9

In my new position of assistant teacher, I was subordinate to the lead. Even though I knew more about pre-school children than she did, her degree made her my superior.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4141

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15 thoughts on “English Vocabulary in Context”

    • 1. Pay attention to example clue words like “for example, for instance, including, such as”
      2. A synonym context clue: word of similar meaning
      3. An antonym context clue: notice to antonym clue words like “but, yet, however, on the other hand, in contrast”
      4. Use the general sense of the passage by choosing the word that seems most logical.
      5. By prefixes, suffixes and roots of words

    • When you reading a complicated passage, it is very time-consuming to refer a dictionary for finding the meaning of an unknown word due to stop the reading for that. Also, it has a negative impact on your comprehension and follows fluently in figure out the general meaning of the passage.

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