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Spurn Definition in Context with Images

Spurn definition in context with images and synonyms

Spurn definition in context with synonyms and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, spurn, in authentic context with illustrations and improve your reading comprehension. /spɜːn/ (verb) Spurn definition to reject or refuse to accept someone or something with distain, disapprove, repudiate, turn down, reject with contempt, repulse, scorn, snub,…

Despise Definition in Context with Images

Despise definition in context with images and synonyms

Despise definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, despise, in short authentic passages with parts of speech and improve your reading comprehension as well. /dɪˈspaɪz/ (verb) Despise definition to hate or dislike someone or something excessively because you think they are worthless or so…

Supercilious Definition and Synonyms from 601 Words

Supercilious definition and synonyms in real context from 601 Words You Need to Know

Supercilious definition and meaning with synonyms, antonyms and illustrations from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your exam in real context for GRE candidates. /ˌsuː.pəˈsɪl.i.əs/ (adj) Supercilious definition acting in a condescending way indicative of self-importance or narcissism, arrogant, too proud, disdainful, conceited, lordly, pompous, haughty, overbearing, superior, imperious, contemptuous, with contemptuous superiority,…

Deprecate 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2

Deprecate 1100 words you need to know week 44 day 2 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Deprecate 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2 Deprecate 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2 /ˈdep.rɪ.keɪt/ (verb) to say or show that something is of little importance or value, express disapproval of, deplore, abhor, frown upon, to condemn someone or something, denounce, deplore, criticize, disapprove, censure, denigrate, despise, disdain, trivialize, decry Just…

Condescend 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 2

condescend LELB Society

Condescend 1100 Words You Need Condescend 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 2 with authentic materials, synonyms, antonyms and illustrated flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˌkɒn.dɪˈsend/ (verb) to agree to do something unwillingly because you consider yourself to be more socially important than the task, snub, humiliate, talk down, look down on, disdain,…

Abhor 1100 Words You Need Week 24 Day 3

abhor LELB Society

Abhor 1100 Words You Need Abhor 1100 Words You Need /əˈbɔːʳ/ (verb) to hate something or someone due to being immoral, detest, dislike, disapprove, loathe, despise, be revolted, look down on I abhor racism and oppression or cruelty of any kind and will not let this pass without being absolutely clear and emphatic with regard…

Get Down off a High Horse 1100 Words You Need

Get down off a high horse 1100 words you need to know week 24 day 1 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, IELTS & TOEFL

Get down off a high horse Get down off a high horse to act like an ordinary person, to stop being arrogant or haughty, to stop disregarding people around you, act modestly or humbly, stop belittling others, stop being condescending, eat humble pie When we now say that people are on their high horse we…

Disdain 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 1

disdain LELB Society

Disdain 1100 Words You Need Disdain 1100 Words You Need /dɪsˈdeɪn/ (noun & verb) when you dislike someone or something and think that they do not deserve your interest or respect, resent, loathe, despise, scorn, spurn, hold in contempt, disparage, turn your nose up at – (noun): derision, condescension, disparagement, disregard, aloofness: He regards the…