Philippic 601 Words You Need to Know

Philippic 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Philippic 601 Words You Need to Know /fə-‘li-pik/ (noun) Definition diatribe, tirade, invective, harangue, polemic, bitter verbal attack, condemnation, rant, denunciation, lecture, vituperation, fulmination, censure, insult Example A philippic is a fiery, damning speech, or tirade, delivered to condemn a particular political actor. The term is most famously associated with two noted orators of the …

Tirade GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Tirade GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Tirade GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /taɪˈreɪd/ (noun) Definition a long and angry speech showing denunciation and disapproval, invective, diatribe, lecture, vilification, polemic, rant, harangue, revilement, outburst, obloquy, verbal attack, vituperation, fulmination Example So annoyed was Donald Trump by a question about his supposed misogyny on Thursday evening that the property tycoon has spent almost 24 hours …

Imprecation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Imprecation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Imprecation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌɪmprɪˈkeɪʃən/ (noun) Definition a curse or any offensive phrase or word uttered when someone is extremely angry, damnation, swear, oath, swearing, execration, insult, malediction, swearword, invective Example Profanity is a socially offensive use of language, which may also be called cursing or imprecation, cussing or swearing, cuss words (American English vernacular), …

Assail GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Assail GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Assail GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /əˈseɪl/ (verb) to attack or criticize someone vehemently, pounce on, assault, raid, storm, lay into, beset, strike – to cause someone to experience or have a lot of problems, torment, plague, revile, disturb, trouble, berate, vituperate Understanding that you aren’t responsible for other people’s behavior is liberating. When you know that …

Polemic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Polemic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Polemic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /pəˈlem.ɪk/ (noun) invective, diatribe, verbal attack, denunciation, tirade, refutation, controversy, criticism, condemnation, argument, discourse, admonition Many cultures have sayings or expressions to the effect that words are harmless, and there is a long tradition that teaches us to ignore verbal attacks or polemics. Source: Antonyms: praise, commendation, approval Adjective: polemical …

Abuse 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

abuse LELB Society

Abuse 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33 /əˈbjuːz/ (noun & verb) Noun: offensive language or words addressing another person, insults, verbal abuse, invective, foul language – wrong or foul treatment, mistreatment, cruelty, maltreatment, misuse, violence, exploitation, taking advantage Verb: to treat someone badly or wrongly, maltreat, mistreat, misuse, injure, hurt – to talk to someone …

Vituperate 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 4

Vituperate 1100 words you need to know week 39 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Vituperate 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 4 Vituperate 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 4 /vɪˈtju:pəreɪt/ (verb) to blame or insult vehemently, revile, scold, flay, condemn, malign, curse, attack, assault, criticize, lay into, throw the book at Trump furiously denies report he disparaged military service, vituperated and insulted dead and disabled troops …

Invective GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Invective

invective LELB Society

Invective GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Invective GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪnˈvek.tɪv/ (noun) criticism that is very forceful, unkind and often rude, diatribe, attack, tirade, broadside, abuse, counterblast, polemic, vituperation, denunciation, revilement, vilification, execration, opprobrium: A stream of invective from some sectors of the press continues to assail the adopted policies. Antonyms eulogy, praise

English Vocabulary about Criticism with Flashcards

rebuke LELB Society

English Vocabulary about Criticism English Vocabulary about Criticism Anathema Watch this video on YouTube For older employees, the new system is an anathema. Call someone on the carpet The mother called the child on the carpet for entering a stranger’s car. Criticism I have a few criticisms to make of/about your speech. Criticize We’ll get nowhere if …