Delectable Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Delectable Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Delectable definition and meaning in context with images and visuals /dɪˈlek.tə.bļ/ (adj) Definition of delectable (of food) delicious and palatable, having a pleasant taste, ambrosial, appetizing, mouthwatering, tasty, flavorsome, flavorful, luscious, succulent delightful, pleasing and attractive, beautiful, adorable, charming, appealing, lovely, enchanting, gorgeous, stunning Video of delectable Delectable in context There’s no denying the allure…

10 Best Proven Ways to Increase Dopamine Naturally

How to increase dopamine naturally with 10 proven tips, video, podcast and list of new vocabulary for ESL students

In this article, you will learn how to increase dopamine naturally for a more joyful life. This article comes with multimedia, such as videos, graphics, hyperlinks, etc. that makes it ideal for advanced ESL students to learn English practically and improve their vocabulary in real context. Disclaimer: The original content of this article has been…

English Presentation on Happiness + Reading

English presentation on happiness with reading practice

English presentation on happiness to practice speaking given by LELB Society’s students alongside reading passages on the same topic. Join LELB Society and give lectures in English on interesting topics. English presentation on happiness Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on happiness Keep a gratitude journal If someone were to ask you what you’re…

Hedonism Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Hedonism meaning in real context with images

Hedonism meaning in real context about philosophy and logic from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn the word, hedonism with synonyms and antonyms in authentic context. /ˈhed.ən.ɪ.zəm/ (noun) Hedonism meaning living based on the philosophy that you need to enjoy your life to the fullest degree, getting as…

Gourmand Definition in Context from 601 Words

Gourmand definition in real context with images and synonyms

Gourmand definition in real context about food and eating from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Enrich your academic and advanced vocabulary with images and synonyms and in authentic context. /gɔːˈmãːd/ US /ˈgʊr.mɑːnd/ (noun) Gourmand definition a person who loves eating food especially excessively, gastronome, food lover, glutton, foodie,…

Gastronomic Definition in Context – 601 Words

Gastronomic definition in real context with images and parts of speech

Gastronomic definition in real context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Enrich your advanced vocabulary about food and cuisine with the word, gastronomic, and learn the parts of speech of this word. /ˌgæs.trəˈnɒm.ɪk/ (adj) Gastronomic definition relating to gastronomy or the art and science of good and pleasurable…

Bon Vivant Meaning & Synonyms from 601 Words You Need

Bon vivant meaning and synonyms in visual dictionary

Bon vivant meaning, synonyms and antonyms in real context from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn this words with images and illustrations and in authentic passages. /ˌbɒn.viːˈvɒnt/ (noun) Bon vivant meaning (also bon viveur) someone who lives well and luxuriously, pleasure seeker, an epicure who enjoys good food and drinks,…

Voluptuous Meaning & Synonyms from 601 Words

Voluptuous meaning and synonyms in visual dictionary

Voluptuous meaning and synonyms with illustrations and antonyms used in real context and authentic passages. Listen to any real sentences and examples about Voluptuous and expand your vocabulary. /vəˈlʌp.tju.əs/ (adj) Voluptuous meaning (of a woman’s body) pleasantly soft and curved and sexually attractive, curvaceous, sexy, curvy, sensual, shapely, seductive, rounded, alluring of luxury pleasure, anything…

Libertine GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Libertine GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Libertine GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈlɪb.ə.tiːn/ (noun) Definition someone especially a man who indulges in worldly and immoral pleasures e.g. having many sexual relationships with many women, philanderer, Don Juan, satyr, Romeo, lover, licentious, adulterer, womanizer, hedonist, Lothario, wanton, seducer, a man who sows wild oats, pleasure seeker Example In our everyday lives, you can see…

Epicure GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Epicure GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Epicure GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈep.ɪ.kjʊəʳ/ (noun) Definition a person who takes great pleasure in high-quality foods or drinks, gourmet, gourmand, foodie, bon vivant, connoisseur, gastronome, gastronomist – a sensual person who loves luxury and sensual pleasures, sybarite, hedonist Example Avoid what you know and get a little curious with your meals, this isn’t your standard…