Bravura 601 Words You Need to Know

Bravura 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Bravura 601 Words You Need to Know /brəˈvjʊə.rə/ (adj & noun) Definition Adjective: shoring or requiring brilliant skills and styles in an artistic performance especially in music, impressive, outstanding, superlative, virtuoso, dazzling, superb, magnificent Noun: (esp in music) dazzling and impressive artistic flair showing great skill and style in performance, courage, boldness, guts, expertise, daring,…

Legerdemain GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Legerdemain

Legerdemain GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Legerdemain GRE Vocabulary Flashcard ledʒədəmeɪn $ -dʒər- / (noun) when you deceive people cleverly, show of skill for deceitful purposes, sleight of hand, chicanery, trickery, conjuring, adroitness, deftness, handiness, agility, nimbleness, dexterousness, acuity, quick-wittedness, sharpness, quickness, resourcefulness: economic legerdemain antonym: clumsiness, ineptitude Fre: legerdemain Fa: تردستی

Technology 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 2

Technology 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 2

Technology 1100 Words You Need Technology 1100 Words You Need /tekˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/ US /-ˈnɑː.lə-/ (noun) the use of tools and methods appropriately, applying technical knowledge, skill, knowledge, expertise, competence, know-how, equipment, savoir-faire, machinery, tools: Modern technology has made the entire world a global village. Parts of Speech Adjective: technological Adverb: technologically

Competent English Flashcard for Competent for IELTS

competent English Flashcard

Competent English Flashcard Competent English Flashcard (adj) /ˈkɒm.pɪ.tənt/ US /ˈkɑːm.pə.ţənt/ having necessary skills and knowledge to do something appropriately – capable: The car engine is not working. We need a competent mechanic to fix it. Parts of Speech Noun: competence Noun: competency Adverb: competently Antonyms incompetent

Expertise English Flashcard for Expertise for IELTS

expertise English Flashcard

Expertise English Flashcard Expertise English Flashcard (noun) /ˌek.spɜːˈtiːz/ US /-spɝː-/ Expertise definition a high level of practical knowledge and profession – know-how: Expertise in context Prof. Robertson has considerable expertise in applied mathematics. Parts of Speech Noun: expert Adjective: expert Adverb: expertly Antonyms incompetence

Competence English Flashcard for Competence for IELTS

competence English Flashcard

Competence English Flashcard Competence English Flashcard (noun) ˈkɒm.pɪ.tənts/ US /ˈkɑːm.pə.ţənts/ the necessary skill and ability to do something appropriately – capability: His unquestionable competence in mind reading has amazed me. Antonyms incompetence Parts of Speech Adjective: competent Adverb: competently Noun: competency

Profession – English Flashcard for Profession for IELTS

Profession English Flashcard LELB Society

Profession Profession (noun) /prəˈfeʃ.ən/ a specialized job or career that requires specific skills, education or training – occupation – vocation – career: Some students might enter some professions that have nothing to do with their education. Parts of Speech Adjective: professional Adverb: professionally Noun: professionality Noun: professionalism Antonyms avocation

Qualified – English Flashcard for Qualified for IELTS

Qualified English Flashcard LELB Society

Qualified Qualified (adj) /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪd/ US /ˈkwɑː.lɪ-/ 1. having enough skills and knowledge about a particular subject, especially through passing some courses – fitted – licensed: The interview made it clear who was qualified and who was unsuitable for the job among so many job applicants. 2. limited and partial: I was not satisfied with the…

Virtuosity – English Flashcard for Virtuosity for IELTS

Virtuosity - English Flashcard for Virtuosity for IELTS

Virtuosity Virtuosity /ˌvɜː.tjuˈɒs.ɪ.ti/ US /ˌvɝː.tʃuˈɑː.sə.ţi/ (noun) great and outstanding skill especially in music, dexterity, talent, technique, brilliance, flair, expertise, gift, profession: Beethoven is known for his virtuosity in music. Since the old days in school, I have always believed in her virtuosity and talent in art in spite of all her failures in her career. His…