Processability Theory in SLA Best Explanation & Practices

Processability Theory in SLA written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Processability theory in SLA written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl with a videotaped lecture narrated by the author. Author: Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl Watch this video on processability theory in SLA Watch this video on YouTube. Processability theory in SLA During the 1980s, an attempt was made to create a broader-based sequence of…

Declarative vs Procedural Knowledge in Language Learning

Declarative vs procedural knowledge in second language acquisition

Declarative vs procedural knowledge written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl with a video or podcast in the category of TESOL or TESL issues Author: Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl Video of declarative vs procedural knowledge Watch this video on YouTube. Background Following a brief history of the emergence of the declarative / procedural distinction…

Competence and Internal Language | TESL Issues

Competence Competence corresponds to the I-language (Internal Language). Competency is the speaker/hearer’s knowledge of his language. It’s an abstract version of knowledge. Competency is independent of situation. It represent what the speaker knows in the abstract. The different types of competence are: grammatical competency, linguistic competency, communicative competency, pragmatic competency, Communicative Competency: Discourse Competency: The…

Formative Assessment | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Formative Assessment | An IELTS Essay Sample Formative Assessment | An IELTS Essay Sample ? Topic: Nowadays, scholars in the field of education contend that formative assessment (as opposed to summative assessment), in which more consideration is given to the lengthy process of learning rather than final examinations, should be applied to academic education. What…

Input Hypothesis Specifications | TESL Lessons

Input Hypothesis Input Hypothesis Krashen’s Input Hypothesis explicitly rejects a role for consciousness, claiming that “acquisition” is a subconscious process. Krashen assumed a ‘language acquisition device’, that is, an innate mental structure capable of handling both first and second language acquisition. The input activates this innate structure. But only input of a very specific kind…

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 5

IELTS Essay on Final Examinations

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 5 Writing Task Topic: Some scholars and educationists maintain that final examinations must be replaced with continuous assessment to encourage the students to be active during the term. Some others believe that final examinations are the best way to evaluate the students’ competency. Write an argumentative essay on…

Communicative Language Teaching

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

Communicative Language Teaching in the realm of second language learning and teaching Important points about communicative language teaching Communicative Language Teaching was established in the late 1970s and early 1980s in opposition to ‘cognitive code’ proposed by Chomsky in his theory ‘Generative Grammar, 1960’. Authenticity of language learning: All of the activities are on the…