The Slave and the Lion by Aesop for ESL Students

The Slave and the Lion by Aesop for advanced ESL students to learn English vocabulary in real context with a podcast

The Slave and the Lion by Aesop for advanced ESL students with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context The Slave and the Lion is now in the public domain on Gutenberg Project. Podcast of the Slave and the Lion Watch this video on YouTube Another version of the Slave and the Lion The …

Wanderlust Definition in Context – 601 Words

Wanderlust definition in real context with illustrations

Wanderlust definition in real context with synonyms and illustrations from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Enrich your academic vocabulary in real context with the word, wanderlust. /ˈwɒn.də.lʌst/ (noun) Wanderlust definition a strong desire to travel to various and remote places, itchy feet, travel bug Example The oddness of …

Traverse Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Traverse meaning in real context

Traverse meaning in real context with images and synonyms from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Practice listening and reading comprehension in authentic context with the word, traverse. /trəˈvɜːs/ (noun & verb) Traverse meaning Verb: to travel or move through an area, go across, travel over, travel across, navigate, …

Transmigrate Meaning in Context – 601 Words

Transmigrate meaning in real context

Transmigrate meaning in real context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with illustrations and synonyms. Improve your listening and reading comprehension in authentic context with the word, transmigrate. /ˌtranzmʌɪˈɡreɪt/ (verb) Transmigrate meaning to migrate, move from one place to another, wander, travel, shift, move, drift (of the soul) …

Odyssey 601 Words You Need to Know

Odyssey 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Odyssey 601 Words You Need to Know /ˈɒd.ɪ.si/ (noun) Definition a long and adventurous journey, series of travels, pilgrimage, trek, voyage, peregrination, quest, crusade, wandering Example 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 epic science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay was written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, and was …

Peripatetic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Peripatetic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Peripatetic GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌper.ɪ.pəˈtet.ɪk/ (adj) Definition moving from one place to another, wandering, vagrant, ambulant, migrant, nomadic, migratory, traveling, commuting, itinerant, wayfaring, unsettled, roving, roaming Example Commuting is periodically recurring travel between one’s place of residence and place of work or study, where the traveler or peripatetic worker leaves the boundary of their home …

Roam 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 30

roam LELB Society

Roam 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 30 /rəʊm/ (verb) to move around and go from one place to another without any particular purpose or plan, wander, drift, ramble, traverse, walk, rove, journey In the 1880s, a wild menace haunted the Arizona territory. It was known as the Red Monster, and its legend grew as it …

Peregrination 1100 Words You Need Week 18 Day 4

Peregrination 1100 Words You Need Week 18 Day 4 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Peregrination 1100 Words You Need /ˌper.ə.grɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (noun) Definition a long journey or voyage, traversing, passage, excursion, expedition, pilgrimage, safari, long trip: Example “Please allow me one request. Your story ‘The Old Maid’s Secret’ touched and delighted me as have few others that I have read, and as I prepare to embark on a peregrination from …

Itinerant 1100 Words You Need Week 18 Day 4

Itinerant 1100 Words You Need Week 18 Day 4 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Itinerant 1100 Words You Need Itinerant 1100 Words You Need /aɪˈtɪn.ər.ənt/ (adj & noun) traveling or moving from one place to another, nomadic, roaming, moving, commuting, wandering: In the 1930s, itinerant workers were not treated well at all. They had very poor living conditions, and would often get sick since they lived with so many …

Trek – English Flashcard for Trek with Synonyms

Trek - English Flashcard for trek - LELB Society

Trek Trek /trek/ (noun & verb) Definition to make a long and difficult journey usually on land, to walk a long distance slowly, hike, walk, ramble, wander, journey, travel, trip, march, trail: Example Carrying essential equipment is a prerequisite for commencing a long trek. Taking a trek can definitely strengthen your persistence and tolerance. Parts of speech Noun: …