Yen 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 3

Yen 1100 words you need to know week 45 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Yen 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 3 Yen 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 3 /jen/ (noun) strong desire, strong longing, yearning, craving, urge, want, hunger, thirst, lust, inclination, wish, hankering – unit of Japanese monetary currency Yearning To Travel? Aim For Early Retirement Travelling has traditionally been seen as something teenagers…

Volition 1100 Words You Need Week 37 Day 1

Volition 1100 Words You Need Week 37 Day 1 Volition 1100 Words You Need Week 37 Day 1 /vəˈlɪʃ.ən/ (noun) the power and ability to make your own decisions, willpower, free will, the power of using one’s will, choice, preference, choice, wish, will, decision, desire, option In March 2013 the Ombudsman for Children decided to…

آرزو Meaning in Farsi – Learn Persian Online

آرزو meaning in Farsi

آرزو Meaning in Farsi آرزو Meaning in Farsi /ārezu’/ (noun) Watch this video on YouTube. English: wish, desire, dream French: le souhait, souhaiter Farsi: امید، خواسته، مراد Adj: آرزومند Verb: آرزو کردن، آرزو داشتن Plural: آرزوها Examples: .برای شما آرزوی سلامتی و خوشبختی دارم .برایتان سفری خوش و بی خطر آرزومندم .مادرم در کودکی آرزوهای…