Essay Writing on Fame and Honor with Correction

essay writing on fame with correction and flashcards for IELTS candidates

Essay Writing on Fame Essay Writing on Fame Essay Question Are honors more likely to come to those who seek them or those who don’t care about fame and think only of their work? How much do fame and accomplishment impress you? Does just knowing you’ve accomplished something worthwhile mean as much to you as…

Free English Webinar on Appearance for IELTS

Free English Webinar on Appearance - LELB Society

Free English Webinar on Appearance Free English Webinar on Appearance Physical appearance and confidence Although we cannot judge a book by its cover, in every communication, what comes first is your appearance and what comes next is your personality. I personally believe that, metaphorically speaking, our façade is really effective not only in routine tasks…

IELTS Essay on Developing Resilience with Correction

IELTS Essay on Developing Resilience

What is resilience? Resilience is one’s capacity to cope with difficult situations. There are three main domains for resilience, physical, emotional, and mental. We might be more resilient in one domain than others. The impact of failure on resilience Failure is not the end and it can help us to gain more experience by which…

Writing Practice on Boosting Creativity

Writing-Practice on boosting creativity

Writing Practice on Boosting Creativity Writing Practice on Boosting Creativity Sasan Creativity is a beneficial skill which can revolutionize creatures’ lives for the better. In fact, in spite of all difficulties and restrictions, humans are continuously trying to simplify and optimize their own lives by inventing various tools and methods. The most serious obstacles for((obstacles…

Writing Practice on Holding Negotiations

Writing Practice on Holding Negotiations

Writing Practice on Holding Negotiations Writing Practice on Holding Negotiations Morteza Feizbakhsh This video talks about useful techniques of negotiation which helps((help)) negotiator((negotiators)) to succeed and have high gain((achieve gains)) out of controversial negotiation. The main purpose of these techniques is to utilize voice and sentences in order to increase collaborative and understandable atmosphere. The…

Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect

Writing-Practice on Butterfly Effect

Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect Topic What is the Butterfly Effect, and how can it impact upon your life? You can watch this video on the Butterfly Effect to get some insights. Sasan Paying enough attention to initial conditions in order to take care of upcoming outcomes. The narrator was…

Writing Practice on Schadenfreude for IELTS

Writing Practice on Schadenfreude

Writing Practice on Schadenfreude for IELTS Writing Practice on Schadenfreude for IELTS Topic Watch this video on Schadenfreude. Sasan It seems to me that Schadenfreude is a horrible feeling that can ruin peoples’((people’s)) lives. What would be wrong if we set a goal for ourselves and tried hard to achieve our objective and enjoyed the…

Topic Sentence Features in Essays | Academic Articles

Academic Articles LELB Society

Topic Sentence Features of Your Essay Topic Sentence Features of Your Essay Topic sentence in each paragraph reflects the central idea of the essay. Therefore, it is an integral part of any essay. In other words, the writer should clarify his/her main point that is intended to be made in the topic sentence. In other…