Upbeat – English Flashcard for Upbeat with Synonyms


Upbeat Upbeat /ʌpˈbiːt/ /ˈ–/ (adj) optimistic and cheerful, positive and buoyant, jaunty, sanguine, full of hope, hopeful, happy: Her upbeat attitude towards work was affecting his colleagues. Hanging around with upbeat people can push you forward in your life. Upbeat people are often a ray of sunshine in our daily lives. Their positive energy and optimistic outlook …

Morose – English Flashcard for Morose with Examples


Morose Morose /məˈrəʊs/ (adj) gloomy and bad-tempered, unhappy and depressed, downbeat, down in the dumps, miserable, pessimistic, dejected, doleful: Jack seems very morose and gloomy ever since he lost his wife in a car accident. After hearing the news of his friend’s departure, John became morose, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a deep sadness. …

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar

Present and Past Participles in English Grammar Present and Past Participles in English Grammar Present participles Watch this video on YouTube Both present and past participles are also called verbal adjectives because, on the one hand, they are used to describe a noun; and on the other hand, they look like a verb. Present participles …

English Vocabulary about Eating Food with Flashcards

Delectable Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

English Vocabulary about Eating Food English Vocabulary about Eating Food Abstemious (adj) Watch this video on YouTube The dietitian advised me to become more abstemious about my meals. Anorexia (noun) Anorexia is a mental ailment that subjects the sick person to enduring starvation. The nutritionist prescribed some special medications for his chronic anorexia. Devour (verb) …

Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism for IELTS

Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism

Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism What is vegetarianism? Vegetarianism is the practice of avoiding any kind of flesh of animals, fish, chicken, etc. for eating food. Sometimes eggs and dairy products are excluded. Vegetarianism could be adopted b imitation or mindful selection. If chosen by imitation, it could cause malnutrition. …

English Vocabulary about Optimism and Pessimism

Cultivating an Optimistic Outlook for ESL Learners with a video and vocabulary practice in real context

English Vocabulary about Optimism and Pessimism English Vocabulary about Optimism and Pessimism Buoyant (ad) cheerful, optimistic, happy, (antonym: morose), resilient, flexible Watch this video on YouTube We can make a real effort to be buoyant despite obstacles. A buoyant mood can be felt while doing exercise. If I had immigrated to a developed country, I …

Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking

English webinar on positive thinking for IELTS & TOEFL candidates to practice reading and vocabulary

Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking Shifting mental focus Our perception of the world is defined by our mind’s interpretation of the events. Every single event has ups and downs. Therefore we can train our mind to focus on the bright side and avoid sticking to the negative side. …

Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn

Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn

Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn The plot of the story Jim, a divorced and fired middle-aged man, was wandering around in one of the back streets of Mississippi. It was late at night and Jim was starving to death. Suddenly, in that slum area, he heard a piercing shriek behind …

English Vocabulary about Time with Podcast

English question on time of death for discussion at LELB Society for IELTS & TOEFL

English Vocabulary about Time English Vocabulary about Time Ad hoc (adj & adv) Watch this video on YouTube Ad hoc committees are essential in the face of calamities. We should consider ad hoc solutions in case of emergency situation. Carpe diem (noun) Carpe diem is not that applicable to underdeveloped countries owing to lack of …