Wharf – English Flashcard for Wharf with Synonyms

Wharf - English Flashcard for Wharf - LELB Society

Wharf Wharf (noun) /wɔːf/ US /wɔːrf/ a structure like a wall that is built on the edge of the sea or river where ships and boats can land – landing place for boats and ships – quay – jetty – dockside – landing stage – harbor: A line of ships were ready to be loaded …

Ballot -English Flashcard for Ballot with Synonyms

Ballot - English Flashcard for Ballot - LELB Society

Ballot Ballot (noun & verb) /ˈbæl.ət/ noun: a system of anonymous voting – secret voting – a card or piece of paper on which votes are recorded – total number of votes – election – secret ballot – poll – survey: The vice president of the company was elected by a secret ballot. During the …

Opprobrium- English Flashcard for Opprobrium for IELTS

Opprobrium - English Flashcard for Opprobrium - LELB Society

Opprobrium Opprobrium (noun) /əˈprəʊ.bri.əm/ US /-ˈproʊ-/ harsh criticism – scorn – condemnation – disapproval – reproach – shame – disgrace: So much opprobrium was heaped on the teacher for administering corporal punishment on one of his students. Parts of speech Adjective: opprobrious Adverb: opprobriously Antonyms praise, plaudit, dignity, pride

Pandemonium – English Flashcard for Pandemonium for IELTS

Pandemonium - English Flashcard for Pandemonium - LELB Society

Pandemonium Pandemonium (noun) /ˌpæn.dəˈməʊ.ni.əm/ US /-ˈmoʊ-/ a noisy situation or place in which people are excited, thrilled or angry – cacophony – bedlam – chaos – tumult – uproar: When the underdog won the fierce competition, there was such great pandemonium in the football field. Antonyms order, tranquility

Chronic – English Flashcard for Chronic with Synonyms

Chronic - English Flashcard for Chronic - LELB Society

Chronic Chronic (adj) /ˈkrɒn.ɪk/ US /ˈkrɑː.nɪk/ (of a disease) lasting for a long time – long-lasting – enduring – always present – persistent – habitual – extremely bad: He’s suffering from chronic fatigue. A chronic disease is a long-term health condition that persists for an extended period, often for the rest of a person’s life, …

IELTS Essay on Science vs. Art for Band 7.5

IELTS Essay on Science vs. Art

IELTS Essay on Science vs. Art IELTS Essay on Science vs. Art Topic Some people believe that, between science and art, the former carries more importance to lead a better life. Others, nevertheless, hold quite the opposite idea. To which group of people do you belong. Bring reasons to support your claim. Note. If one …

Persian sounds and letters – forms of the Persian alphabet

Persian sounds and letters

Persian sounds and letters Persian sounds and letters Phonics is the most important stage in reading and writing because reading and writing are done alphabetically. The letters of the alphabet are the conventional signs of the sounds. Persian words are written right to left. Also, the Persian alphabet has no upper or lower case and …

Voyage – English Flashcard for Voyage for IELTS

Voyage - English Flashcard for Voyage - LELB Society

Voyage Voyage /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ (noun & verb) a long trip, especially by sea or through space, cruise, journey, trip, expedition, passage, crossing, tour, travel: Antonio Pigafetta made the first voyage around the world. A new era of voyages of discovery has started since the first launch of a spacecraft. Sea voyages give me a sense of purity and …

Trek – English Flashcard for Trek with Synonyms

Trek - English Flashcard for trek - LELB Society

Trek Trek /trek/ (noun & verb) Definition to make a long and difficult journey usually on land, to walk a long distance slowly, hike, walk, ramble, wander, journey, travel, trip, march, trail: Example Carrying essential equipment is a prerequisite for commencing a long trek. Taking a trek can definitely strengthen your persistence and tolerance. Parts of speech Noun: …

Promenade – English Flashcard for Promenade for IELTS

Promenade - English flashcard for Promenade for IELTS - LELB Society

Promenade Promenade /ˌprɒm.əˈnɑːd/ US /ˌprɑː.məˈneɪd/ (noun) a path on the seashore for walking, walkway, path, sea front, boardwalk, prom, walk for pleasure, stroll, marching dance movement, to walk or stroll for pleasure: The rise in sea level reaches the promenade when the tide is in due to the phenomenon of global warming. Lying on promenades, I tanned …