Sleazy meaning and definition with synonyms and antonyms used in real context and short passages for advanced learners of English and GRE & SAT candidates with illustrations
/ˈsliː.zi/ (adj)
Sleazy meaning
dirty and unacceptable, corrupt, seedy, sordid, immoral, squalid, unsavory, dishonest, disreputable, shady, untrustworthy, decadent
of poor quality, cheap, flimsy, low-class
“Every methodology you could possibly use to measure urban corruption has its limitations, and is likely to reveal a certain type of corruption that is pertinent to some corrupt and sleazy cities but largely unimportant in others,” adds Timilsina. “How do you compare apples and pears?”
Source of example:
Antonyms of sleazy
reputable, honest
Parts of speech
Noun: sleaze
Noun: sleaziness
Adverb: sleazily