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Affinity – English Flashcard for Affinity for IELTS


Affinity Affinity /əˈfɪn.ɪ.ti/ (noun) feeling of identification, close similarity or connection among people, fellow feeling, empathy, sympathy, resemblance, correspondence, attraction: I tried to restore the sense of affinity between John and his father by seeking a reconciliation. Although we should let bygones be bygones, I can never forget your reluctance to show any affinity. IELTS…

Reading Strategies Before During and After Reading

reading strategies before during and

Reading comprehension requires you to think critically about the information and ideas. Sometimes, while reading, you have to read the same sentences several times without gaining any meaning from them. So, it is needed to return to earlier steps for finding out the intended meaning. Accordingly, there are some effective strategies to use before, during,…

Fraternity – English Flashcard for Fraternity for IELTS

Fraternity - English flashcard

Fraternity Fraternity /frəˈtɜː.nə.ti/ (noun) all the people who have something in common, brotherhood, comradeship, brotherly love, community, brotherliness, mutual support, amity, friendship, friendliness: Every fraternity usually has its own jargon, language and set of jokes. The world is suffering from lack of fraternity. IELTS flashcards on Instagram

Solidarity – English Flashcard for Solidarity for IELTS

Solidarity English Flashcard LELB Society

Solidarity Solidarity /ˌsɒl.ɪˈdær.ɪ.ti/ (noun) general agreement and loyalty among the members of a group – alliance – team spirit – harmony: The sense of solidarity and team spirit among the staff of this company is actually unshakable. One of the main responsibilities of a great leader among a group is to preserve solidarity of members. We cannot take…

IELTS Essay on Final Examinations for Band 5.5

IELTS Essay on Final Examinations

IELTS Essay on Final Examinations Topic Some educators maintain that final examinations should be replaced with continuous assessment during the term to assess students’ genuine competence.To what extent do you concur with this point of view? There are different methods of assessing students during the term. Two of the most controversial ideas are final examination versus continuous assessment during the term. In my opinion each of them has…