Communicative Language Teaching

Communicative Language Teaching in the realm of second language learning and teaching

Important points about communicative language teaching

Classroom interaction in second language learning written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

  • Communicative Language Teaching was established in the late 1970s and early 1980s in opposition to ‘cognitive code’ proposed by Chomsky in his theory ‘Generative Grammar, 1960’.
  • Authenticity of language learning: All of the activities are on the premise of functional and meaningful purposes.
  • Meaningful Learning: The employment of meaningful tasks in the class
  • The assimilation of real-life situations
  • An emphasis on both linguistic fluency and accuracy
  • Automaticity: The learners are encouraged to generate unrehearsed language performances in the class. Another term for ‘automaticity’ is “Spontaneity”, i.e. in CLT classes, students are cajoled into encountering unpracticed situations.
  • Cooperative Learning: Students are encouraged to construct meaning through genuine linguistic interaction with others.
  • Classroom goals are focused on all of the components, including grammatical, discourse, functional, sociolinguistic and strategic (Brown, 2001). However, communicative competence, above all, is of pivotal importance.
  • Autonomous Learning: The students are encouraged to develop enough metacognition strategies in their own learning process. They are given abundant opportunities to employ apt strategies in harmony with their own styles.
  • The role of the teacher is that of facilitator and guide. He turns out to be an enabler, mediator, intervener, counselor and motivator in the classroom.


  1. Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd). White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

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