Sarcasm Definition in Context with Images

Sarcasm definition in context with images and synonyms

Sarcasm definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, sarcasm, in real short sentences with illustrations and improve your reading comprehension at the same time. /ˈsɑː.kæz.əm/ (noun) Sarcasm definition the use of caustic remarks to criticize someone vehemently and hurt their feelings by saying something…

Spurn Definition in Context with Images

Spurn definition in context with images and synonyms

Spurn definition in context with synonyms and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, spurn, in authentic context with illustrations and improve your reading comprehension. /spɜːn/ (verb) Spurn definition to reject or refuse to accept someone or something with distain, disapprove, repudiate, turn down, reject with contempt, repulse, scorn, snub,…

Despise Definition in Context with Images

Despise definition in context with images and synonyms

Despise definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, despise, in short authentic passages with parts of speech and improve your reading comprehension as well. /dɪˈspaɪz/ (verb) Despise definition to hate or dislike someone or something excessively because you think they are worthless or so…

Rebuke 1100 Words You Need Week 26 Day 2

rebuke LELB Society

Rebuke 1100 Words You Need Rebuke 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈbjuːk/ (noun & verb) to speak angrily to someone because they’ve done something wrong, chide, lecture, criticize, reprimand, reproach, reprove, censure, admonish, scorn, criticism, reproof, admonishment, admonition Writing “Friends” off as homophobic ignores the inclusion of Ross’s ex-wife, Carol, and her partner, Susan, which landed…

Disdain 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 1

disdain LELB Society

Disdain 1100 Words You Need Disdain 1100 Words You Need /dɪsˈdeɪn/ (noun & verb) when you dislike someone or something and think that they do not deserve your interest or respect, resent, loathe, despise, scorn, spurn, hold in contempt, disparage, turn your nose up at – (noun): derision, condescension, disparagement, disregard, aloofness: He regards the…

Loathe 1100 Words You Need Week 3 Day 1

Loathe 1100 Words You Need Week 3 Day 1

Loathe 1100 Words You Need Loathe 1100 Words You Need /ləʊð/ US /loʊð/ (verb) Loathe definition to hate someone or something, dislike intensely, detest, shrink from, abhor, can’t stand, can’t bear, abominate, despise, disdain, scorn: Example I absolutely loathe doing the dishes. Antonyms adore Parts of speech Adjective: loath: averse Noun: loather Adverb: loathingly

Sneer – English Flashcard for Sneer for IELTS

Sneer | English Flashcard for Sneer - LELB Society

Sneer Sneer (noun & verb) /snɪəʳ/ US /snɪr/ verb: to show, feel or say something with contempt, scorn or hostility – scorn – mock – deride – laugh at, scoff, disparage We all sneered at his odd idea, but in the end, it turned out that he was right. Parts of Speech Adjective: sneering Adverb:…

Opprobrium- English Flashcard for Opprobrium for IELTS

Opprobrium - English Flashcard for Opprobrium - LELB Society

Opprobrium Opprobrium (noun) /əˈprəʊ.bri.əm/ US /-ˈproʊ-/ harsh criticism – scorn – condemnation – disapproval – reproach – shame – disgrace: So much opprobrium was heaped on the teacher for administering corporal punishment on one of his students. Parts of speech Adjective: opprobrious Adverb: opprobriously Antonyms praise, plaudit, dignity, pride