The Bear and the Two Travelers – English Fairy Tale

The Bear and the Two Travelers with Vocabulary Practice and Podcast at LELB Society

The Bear and the Two Travelers – An English fairy tale with a list of vocabulary and expressions to improve your reading comprehension and expand your vocabulary Source of story: Gutenberg Project at Watch this video on YouTube The Bear and the Two Travelers Two men were traveling together, when a bear suddenly met them…

Ingenuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Ingenuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Ingenuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪnˈdʒen.ju.əs/ (adj) sincere and honest, trusting, artless, innocent, guileless, naive, unaffected, candid, showing childlike simplicity, straightforward, open, frank, gullible, innocuous, unsophisticated, innocent Sincere friendships with ingenuous friends take time to form and deepen. Here are some ways to nurture your friendship: Treat your friend as you would like them to treat…

Frank 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12

frank LELB Society

Frank 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 12 with synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech and in authentic context for GRE, IELTS & TOEFL students /fræŋk/ (adj & verb) straightforward and honest, candid, plain, guileless, direct, truthful, forthright, explicit, outspoken, blunt, open, to the point, undisguised, sincere – to print mark on a stamp, postmark, validate “Frank”…

Devout 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 3

Devout 1100 words you need to know week 44 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Devout 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 3 Devout 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 3 /dɪˈvaʊt/ (adj) deeply religious, devoted to something, pious, believing strongly in a religion, spiritual, God-fearing, saintly, faithful, devoted, dedicated, committed, staunch, sincere, heartfelt, earnest, wholehearted A devout lady and a lukewarm believer — does their relationship stand…

Artless 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 3

Artless 1100 words you need to know week 42 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Artless 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 3 Artless 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 3 /ˈɑːt.ləs/ (adj) simple and honest, without guile or pretension, ingenuous, naïve, innocent, candid, childlike, guileless, sincere, natural, unsophisticated In David McDuff’s 1993 version we read: ‘The greater the stupidity, the greater the clarity. Stupidity is brief and…

Candid 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1

Candid 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1 Candid 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 1 /ˈkæn.dɪd/ (adj) truthful and honest, straightforward, frank, outspoken, open, sincere, blunt, forthright, upfront Secrets of candid conversation Have you been dodging an important conversation? The kind of conversation that may be uncomfortable, in a situation that you…

Bona Fide – English Flashcard for Bona Fide for IELTS

Bona Fide - English Flashcard for Bona Fide for IELTS

Bona fide bona fide /ˌbəʊ.nəˈfaɪ.di/(adj) Bona fide definition genuine, authentic, true, real, valid, sincere and honest, legitimate, legal: Example Any bona fide offers of help would be appreciated. The true bona fide prayer for rain always carries an umbrella with him/herself. Today, bona fide love is scarce and many prefer marrying into money. Antonyms bogus

Resume Writing with Samples and Layouts | Academic Articles

Academic Articles LELB Society

Resume Writing with Samples Resume Writing with Samples What is a Resume? A resume is a short written account of your education and job experience sent to an employer when you apply for a job or expect an interview. It covers some main parts, including skills, work experiences, and achievements. How to Format Your Resume?…