Transmigrate meaning in real context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with illustrations and synonyms. Improve your listening and reading comprehension in authentic context with the word, transmigrate.
/ˌtranzmʌɪˈɡreɪt/ (verb)
Transmigrate meaning
- to migrate, move from one place to another, wander, travel, shift, move, drift
- (of the soul) to pass into a different body after death
Nomads that live near mountains transmigrate between the high pastures in the summer and the river valleys in the winter. The distance between pastures and the river valleys is often less than 80 kilometers. During the summer they often set up their tents in the open pastures and gather for hair cutting ceremonies, weddings, funerals, festivals and family reunions that often feature singing and horse races.
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Parts of speech
Noun: transmigration
Noun: transmigrator
Adjective: transmigratory
Adjective: transmigrant
Adjective: transmigrative