Quotidian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Quotidian

Quotidian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Quotidian

Quotidian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Quotidian GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /kwəʊˈtɪd.i.ən/ US /kwoʊ-/ (adj) commonplace and ordinary, done daily, ordinary, customary, everyday, usual, conventional, normal: Nowadays, the use of social media, particularly among the younger generation, has become so quotidian. Fre: quotidien Fa: روزمره

Placate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Placate

Placate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Placate

Placate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Placate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /pləˈkeɪt/ US /ˈpleɪ.keɪt/ (verb) to comfort someone and make them feel less angry, soothe, pacify, conciliate, calm down, mollify, appease, propitiate, satisfy, assuage: I sent her a letter of condolence in the hope that she would slightly be placated after the tragic loss of her mother. Fre:…

Impecunious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Impecunious

Impecunious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Impecunious

Impecunious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Impecunious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌɪm.pəˈkjuː.ni.əs/ (adj) having not enough money, poor, penniless, impoverished, indigent, struggling, deprived, underprivileged, disadvantaged, broke, destitute, poverty-stricken: He started his career as an impecunious employee, and soon became the CEO of the very company. Fre: impécunieux Fa: فقیر، تهی دست

Engender GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Engender

Engender GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Engender

Engender GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Engender GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪnˈdʒen.dəʳ/ US /-dɚ/ (verb) to cause a particular situation or feeling to happen or exist, trigger, generate, create or cause, produce, give rise to, bring about, stimulate, provoke, prompt, give birth to, propagate, spawn: His challenging questions in the meeting engendered so much controversy among the participants.…

Judicious English Flashcard for Judicious for IELTS

Judicious English Flashcard

Judicious English Flashcard Judicious English Flashcard (adj) /dʒuːˈdɪʃ.əs/ showing wisdom and logic – wise – logical and sensible, circumspect, prudent, sagacious, sapient, shrewd, astute, cautious, thoughtful, discriminating: Quitting smoking was perfectly a judicious choice to make. antonym: foolish, silly

Prescient GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Prescient

Prescient GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Prescient

Prescient GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Prescient GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈpres.i.ənt/ (adj) knowing in advance what will happen in the future, prophetic, psychic, discerning, clairvoyant, perceptive, having premonition, having foresight: Overlooking all the prescient warnings about the pathogenic factors in the workplace, a great number of the staff eventually became terribly sick. Fre: presciente Fa: از قبل…

Approbation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Approbation

Approbation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Approbation

Approbation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Approbation GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌæp.rəʊˈbeɪ.ʃən/ (noun) favorite opinion about somebody or something, official praise, approval, praise, support, consent, admiration, esteem, regard: Starting as a simple private in the army, Max soon earned the approbation of his top officials because of his qualifications and competence. Fre: approbation Fa: تایید، طرفداری

Fortuitous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Fortuitous

Fortuitous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Fortuitous

Fortuitous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Fortuitous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /fɔːˈtjuː.ɪ.təs/ US /fɔːrˈtuː.ə.ţəs/ (adj) (of something that is to your advantage) not planned, happening by chance, accidental, casual, chance, unexpected, unplanned, incidental: The timing of the meeting is certainly fortuitous. The collapse of its rivals brought fortuitous gains to the company. Fre: fortuite Fa: تصادفی، مبارک، شانسی

Explicit – English Flashcard for Explicit for IELTS

explicit LELB Society

Explicit Explicit (adj) /ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt/ expressed and portrayed in a very clear and direct way, overt, clear, definite, clear-cut, candid, specific, definitive, frank, unequivocal, straightforward, express, unambiguous As a detective, he was searching for explicit evidence in the spot that the murder had happened. Antonyms: implicit, tacit, covert, equivocal, vague Adverb: explicitly Noun: explicitness